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Sulochana was fuming with anger. It was second time in the day that she got insulted by the family that too because of the same person i.e Pallavi.
"I won't sit idle. I will take my revenge. Wait for a few days. Let me first gain everyone's trust and then I will decide what to do with you and Sharda vahini. That women has been on my nerves lately. I will not spare her also." She said determined.
Thinking of ways to trouble the both of them she went to sleep.


The next few days went by smoothly. Raghav and Pallavi would meet at the deserted road so that they don't get caught. Sometimes, they used to meet in a restaurant or some Cafe. Things had started changing between them. They started realizing their love for each other. Sulochana and Amruta were quite in control. They didn't cross their lines. They were good to everyone including Pallavi. Sharda was still not satisfied with her behavior. She still felt that Sulochana was up for something big. Raghav felt the same by whatever Pallavi told him about Sulochana's behavior lately.
"Pallavi, she is not what she shows. She must be planning something big."
"No, Raghav. She has left all that. I don't have any kind of doubt on her. You and Aai are uselessly doubting on her." Pallavi tried explaining to him.
"Pallavi, the only person I care about is you. She has been behind you for almost 2 years and you are saying that she changed just because of 2 insults that were thrown at her? How can you be so dumb Pallavi!!" Raghav was annoyed by making Pallavi understand.
"She was not insulted just 2 times. She's was getting insulted almost daily. She would have also been frustrated and left all her wrongdoings. And btw, did you just call me dumb?"
"I never called you a dumb. I just said that you are behaving like one. Anyways, don't divert the topic."
"I am not diverting the topic."
"Pallavi, please don't trust her too much. She might be upto something."
"Try to let go things. I believe in Forgive and Forget. I have forgotten whatever she has done to me. Now, that she is improving I don't want to bring her down." Pallavi spoke.
"Fineeee..... we will see. When she does something, don't come running to me then." Raghav said and walked off.


After going back home, Raghav realized that whatever he spoke was correct but was presented in a wrong way. His walking off from there might have hurt Pallavi. He called her, but she did not pick up his call.He messaged her but no response. It was end of his patience. He decided to go to Deshmukh House but then remembered Bada Bindi. He did not want her to create a scene. So, he again messaged Pallavi but again no response. He decided to give her time and will meet her the next morning.


The next morning, Sulochana and Sharda were working in the kitchen while Pallavi was cleaning the passage. Sulochana received a phone call and kept it on the speaker phone as she was making rotis.
"Hello, Sulochana ma'am. How are you?" The voice asked.
"I am doing great Kanika. How are you? How did you call me today?" Sulochana asked Dr.Kanika.
"Ma'am, we usually don't reveal such personal information about any patient but because you have supported me to become a doctor, I have to tell you this."
"What personal information are you talking about?" Sulochana asked surprised.
"You are the aunt of Mandar Deshmukh, right?"
"Yes." Now Sharda was alerted. She knew something was fishy since, Dr.Kanika started speaking about the personal information.
"Actually, we were arranging all the reports of our past patients and there was a certain abortion report that caught my attention. It was of Pallavi Sawant. It was an abortion report dated back to 12th September 2018. It shows that a child was aborted of around 2 weeks. The father and mother's name is Mandar Deshmukh and Pallavi Sawant. After seeing the name I asked my seniors about this and they told me that the couple was soon to be married but they did not want a child as their family is quite conservative and won't accept the child. That's the reason they aborted it. Also, the name of the witness is some Arun Raje."
Everyone there was all shocked. They couldn't decipher what was happening. Sulochana called everyone in the living room and told them everything.
"Dada, I think all of this is fake. There's no truth to this. We should just let this case go." Sulochana played her master card of supporting Pallavi, knowing very well that Vijay would investigate in this matter and search for the proofs.
"How can we let it go like this? I clearly remember the September of 2018, Mandar Dada used to be very tensed. He used to go to his office early and come back late. Whenever someone asked him something he used to just avoid the topic. I hope this wasn't the reason for his stress." Amruta spoke adding fuel to the fire.
"Aai Baba, please believe me. Whatever that doctor is saying is not true. We met only on our engagement and for the shopping that too when someone or the other was around us. I don't know why is that doctor saying this?" Pallavi pleaded.
"Where is that Dr.Kanika? Which hospital does she work in?" Vijay asked.
"She works in City Hospital, Dada." Sulochana answered and smirked.
"We will go to the City Hospital and see whatever it is." Vijay declared.


Raghav was waiting for Pallavi at their regular spot but she didn't show up. He thought that she was still angry with him. He went to the shop and asked Krishna.
"Where is Pallavi?" Raghav asked her.
"She said that there's some problem at home so she won't come today."
"What is it?" Raghav asked.
"Even, I don't know. I tried asking her but she said that it's not the right time to tell." Krishna answered.
Raghav left the shop and drove to Deshmukh House. He saw that Vijay, Milind and Pallavi were going out somewhere. They saw Raghav but ignored him. Pallavi told him that she will tell him whatever has happened afterwards through her expressions.
"What happened? You guys look tense. Is everything alright?" Raghav inquired.
"Nothing much. We have some important work to do so we are going there." Vijay answered.
"Actually, I had gone to the shop for the briefing but Pallavi wasn't there so, I came here. Krishna told me there's some problem at home so, if you guys need any help you can tell me." Raghav offered.
Raghav was the richest man in Hyderabad and had a lot of power. Baba thought that he would be of some help.
"We are fine as we are. We don't need anyone's help. We will sort out our own problems." Vijay said and indicated Raghav to wait through his eyes. He saw the relieved expressions on Sulochana's face and knew something was wrong.
He took Raghav to the side and told him everything. Raghav was furious. He knew that Sulochana was the root cause but they couldn't blame her without any proofs.
Vijay in his heart knew that all of this was done by Sulochana. He even trusted Pallavi but as the head of the family, it was his responsibility to investigate into the matter.
Raghav then thought of something and asked them to go and meet Dr.Kanika.

Author's Note - The abortion track is finally here. Most of you had requested for this track so here it is. I just gave it a twist of my own. I hope you all like it. Also, Raghav is here and he has some solid plan. Vijay and other family members are supporting Pallavi and won't let her get targeted.
I know that there aren't any Raghvi scenes but, you all will get that soon.

Date - 12th May 2022.

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