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"Amma, I'll take your leave now. I have an important meeting to attend." Raghav said while leaving for his office.


"I'll eat something in the office itself." Raghav said and hugged his Amma to finally leave.

"Should I pack something quickly?"

"No need, Amma." Raghav shouted from outside.

Today was the day when Raghav was finally meeting Mr. Sidhwani. As soon as Raghav came back from the trip, he wanted to meet Sidhwani but, their dates did not match and they were finally meeting today. Raghav was sitting in his cabin when Farhad informed him that Mr. Sidhwani had arrived.

"Good Morning Mr. Rao. How are you doing?"

"Good Morning. I am doing great. How have you been?" Raghav asked shaking his hand with Sidhwani.

"I am also doing great. Thank You."

"Would you like something, Tea, Coffee, Juice. Anything?" Raghav asked after a moment of silence.



"I meant I need some of your time."

"You do have some of my time now."

"I actually wanted to discuss about something very important with you."

"Is it something related to our deal?" Raghav asked with a light smirk as he had already guessed what he was here for.

"No. It's actually something personal."


"Yes. Actually, my daughter is quite young. She's around 25 now and we are thinking of getting her married."

"And you think of me as the suitable groom for her, don't you?" Raghav asked with a smirk.

"Yes. I am glad you understood my point. So, without beating around the bush, I'll directly come to the point, I want my daughter to get married to you. I know you guys are from the new generation and would want to know each other before getting married so, if you want I'll tell her to come and meet you."

"Thank you for thinking about me but, I am not really looking for a bride at the moment. I want to focus on my career now and expand my business." He said rejecting the proposal politely.

"Beta, you can do that even after marriage. She isn't going to stop you from doing your business rather, she'll support you. She had done her MBA from London. She is way smarter and knowledgeable from most of the MBA graduates here and will help you in expanding your business." Sidhwani said so as to flex about his daughter's achievements.

"If that's the case then, why doesn't she start her own business or join you? I mean instead of depending on someone else or helping someone else, it's better to grow yourself."

"You are right but, the thing is that she does not know much about what happens in India like the laws related to business, trading, share market etc. so, she will first need to gain some experience and once she gets that she'll soon start her own business." Sidhwani said sweetly even though he felt like banging Raghav's head for asking him so many questions.

"I think then, she should work under you because, you are much more experienced than me. Also, we don't appoint newcomers on higher positions. If she wants she can apply for the position of clerk. If you want I'll personally ask my assistant to e-mail her the list of vacant positions." Raghav said with a smirk on his face as he could see the color on Sidhwani's face fade away.

"Mr. Rao, I think we are going a little off track. We are here to discuss about the the marriage proposal and.."

"Not we, you are here to propose a marriage for your daughter."

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