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"OH MY GOD!! Saree Ka Dukaan such a drama queen you are!" Raghav said mimicking her dramatic tone.
"Fineeee... Now please do the honors of tasting the Paysam and do tell me if I am a good chef." Pallavi replied bringing his focus back to the Paysam.
Raghav took the first bite and moaned a bit. He started taking bites after bites without caring about his surroundings. Pallavi waited patiently for him to finish it off. Once his bowl was empty she forwarded her bowl too. He finished eating the Paysam. She understood that he absolutely loved the Paysam through his actions.
"This was one of the best Paysam I have ever had in my life. You really are a great chef Saree Ka Dukaan. " Raghav said feeling satisfied.
"Thank you Ghamandi Rao. I am honored by the praise."
"You deserve this."
"Atleast now I understood that you know something apart from giving Saree like long lectures. "He immediately taunted her as soon as he realized that he had praised her a little too much.
"Here we go again with Ghamandi Rao being back to his normal self of not letting somebody be on cloud nine. " Pallavi countered chuckling.
"But honestly, this has to be the best gift anybody has ever given me."
"Ghamandi Rao you have been repeating this since the time I told you that I bought Paysam for you. I understand. Also, Thank you for saving my life. If not for you I would have been dead by now and my family would not have even known about it. Despite our enemity you put your life at stake and I really am grateful to you for that. See, I forgot to say the main thing because you were busy in praising me."
"My pleasure. Btw how are you going to your shop? "
"I have my scooter with me."
"Okay. Go safely and message me once you reach." Raghav said in one go.
"Chill Ghamandi Rao. I can go safely plus the shop is just 10-15 minutes away. "Pallavi was amused that a Paysam bought a world of difference in Ghamandi Rao.
"Sure." Raghav said being embarrassed.
"Could you stop being so nice and be back to the same old Ghamandi Rao. " She left smiling.
Raghav couldn't help but blush seeing her smiling face.


It's night time and Pallavi was sitting on her bed deep in her thoughts.
"Probably he's not that bad." Her heart said trying to convince her that he was nice because her heart was actually impressed by Raghav acting all nice.
"How can you judge him on the basis of his reaction to the Paysam. "Her brain countered.
"I am not judging him. I am just saying that he does have a soft side to him which he doesn't show to the world."Her heart retaliated.
"Just because he was happy after eating the Paysam doesn't mean that he has a soft side. It was a pretty normal reaction that anybody could ever have to their favorite food." Her brain spoke confidently.
"His eyes showed how happy and emotional he was when he heard about the Paysam. He seems to be lonely and that is why maybe he behaves arrogant to mask his loneliness."
"The function of the eye is to see things. It does not show your emotions." Brain laughed at the stupidity of the heart.
"When will you stop being practical? " Heart asked being annoyed.
"There are somethings that can be felt only by emotions and I could understand that he craved for love and care. He is alone in his life. There is no one who really cares for him and it shows." Her heart tried to understand his problem.
"Just because he is lonely does not mean that he will trouble others and be arrogant for no specific reason. Don't you remember him kidnapping and threatening you for God knows what. Even today he was being his normal arrogant self before listening about the Paysam. "Her brain justified his opinions using valid points.
"That's what I am saying. All his arrogance and 'I don't care attitude ' is a mask. He isn't like this. He is just deprived of love and care." Her heart also had a point.
"So according to you, just because he is lonely and what..... ha right... deprived of love and care she should forgive him?" Brain asked shocked at heart's explanation.
"That's not what I meant. I just mean to say that don't judge him based on what he shows to the world."
By now Pallavi was confused as to what to think about him. Confused, she went to sleep.


Raghav also had two minds regarding her. After she went he had the urge to see her again. But he did not have a reason to do so as they had just met. So, he watched the cctv footage of his den. He saw how she did not have her share of Paysam but forwarded it to him. He was also surprised to see that she was admiring him.
"Does she like me?"
"NOOO!!!! YOU IDIOT!!! She was just admiring you because this was the first time she saw the real carefree Raghav and not the arrogant and sofasticated Raghav Rao." His subconscious self i.e our favorite Lungiwala Raghav replied.
"Yes, you are right. " Raghav agreed with a sad face as he really thought that she liked him.
"Even though we don't know that if she likes you or not, one thing is for sure..."
"What is it?" Raghav asked cutting Lungiwala Raghav in between.
"It is that she thinks about you."Lungiwala Raghav said making Raghav happy.
"Or it may be that she thinks about people in general.  Like what will they feel, what will they like or think is her concern. She seems to be a typical middle class girl who will think about everyone."Lungiwala Raghav spoke what he thought about her.
"I agree. She thinks about everyone. I have seen that Bindiwala Aunty talk shit about her and still that idiot Saree Ka Dukaan doesn't say anything to her and let her be. But, the question is that why would she think about me. Bindiwala Aunty is her family, I am neither her family nor her friend. Is she  trying to be in my good books so that I don't come in her way or is she trying to impress me for..?" By now Raghav was in deep thought trying to analyze her intention.
"Seriously Raghav, do you really think that Pallavi is trying to impress you? If she had to she would have done it long ago. When she got to know that you are the new owner of her shop, she would have come and seduced you to get her shop back given your playboy image in media. Or she would have tried to play some games by which you transfer the shop on her name but she did not do that. She stood upto you. She never left her ground rather gave you a tough time."Lungiwala Raghav reasoned by not letting Raghav complete whatever he was saying.
"She played games and that is the reason this is her condition today."
"Do you really think that she was responsible for the MMS fiasco?"Lungiwala Raghav asked him.
"Idk. Honestly,  I don't want to believe it but there is a proof against her that she joined hands with that cheater Anjali."Raghav said.
"You really think it was Pallavi just based on one photo? Did you ever try to dig into that case ? Where did Anjali go? What was her plan? You just blamed Pallavi. You could have involved the police or atleast Swamy. Why have you been giving him stacks of notes every month if that man doesn't investigate on your case? If Pallavi really wanted revenge, she had many chances even after you kidnapped her but she never did that.She would have not saved you after she found you on the road when your accident happened while chasing Ved. She even had a solid reason to take revenge but she chose to show humanity. Think about it . Pallavi is not the reason of your problems but you surely are the reason for all her miseries." Saying this Lungiwala Raghav disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Author's Note - I always wanted them to have a normal conversation and also to think about each other's actions which will help them to understand the other person better.

Date - 21st April 2022.

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