Are We Really Happy

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Hunnie Inzotta

Having attended morning lectures and advance potion mixing classes with the ladies before we all split up for lunch, I entered into my brown, torn, and raggedy old spell bag, chugging a shot of Witchy Espresso and taking a cloth filled with rosemary to inhale the scent for energy. Then I finally opened a portal into the kitchen of my house.

You would think I'd have enough energy to open a measly portal to my house, but weirdly I've been over sleeping, so I'm usually pretty exhausted by the late evening!

 It wouldn't help that I have no structure, nor schedule, nor awareness of time, only attending the academy on some days and staying home. Then I say my prayers daily that might reach my mate's ears. I only wished time would move faster so I could see him again...

"Hi ladies, hope is the sun is feeding you well." I began speaking to my basil plants lining my kitchen windows.

When arriving home, my clammy hands stuck onto the refrigerator doors once I swung it open, there wasn't much for me to eat anyways. A bunch of cilantro, a box of eggs, water bottles and many other homegrown vegetables I planted, but this wasn't what my stomach growled for. Something hot and spicy, so a quick walk to the corner store to buy a few bags of soup, and some sweets I should stock up on, was the way to go right now.

It was pretty hot outside, so I was sluggishly changed into a long nude skirt, a pair of white sneakers, and a short white t-shirt to accommodate the change in season. 

 After grabbing just my cellphone wallet before heading out, I lowered my head as I take a step out and lock the doors behind me, finally replaying my encounter with Kris I had in the past two days.

"How could he be so harsh and cruel to me!" I moped out loud, kicking the laundry in my living room about.

 I felt so miserable and lonely because of him. I wished we didn't go out the way we did in the Kingdom of Ghabaàr.

 I truly blamed everything on myself, assuming everything that happened to me from here on out, was my fault.

I shouldn't even be upset at Kris. He's only doing what's he thinks is right for Bahm.

I supposed.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now