The Better You

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Kris Tang

[Few Hours Earlier]

By the time I got to Witchy World  I had to snoop around like a little kid.

Lydia usually stays behind when Bahm leaves to take a look inside the enchanting Siren shop across the way of my destination. 

I desired time alone to think freely to myself. The truth behind Hunnie's real identity, plus her becoming with child, was really taking a toll on my focus. I couldn't get my mind off of her and how she belonged to Bahm and I. If he knew she was his mate and carried someone else's child, I wasn't sure how'd he react.

Would he hate me for it, or would he understand why I had to do it?

Gosh the creature he appeared to us on his first day back, was so terrifying, even for his poor mother. She wore a shaken look on her face.

What happened to you down there Bahm?...

After walking up a flight of stairs in this magical cloaked building, I arrived on the third floor of the bar room and began ordering drinks right away. A part of me feared Bahm would tap into his abilities more often and find out I've been off the grid.

Anger, betrayal, jealousy and even disappointment within myself, clouded over my everyday judgment now. Pretending Hunnie wasn't an important being killed me inside, but what killed me more, was Bahm not being himself with me. I missed him so much every day.

If I hadn't become so violent towards Hunnie back in the Kingdom, she might've even been by our side and things might've been different. He would arrive and we would explain to him who she was, right then and there, but...we fear her will have a psychological melt down once he found out it was his own mate that betrayed him!

"Oh Hunnie... Why'd you have to go and make stupid decisions all by yourself..." I cursed her in my thoughts.

It's such a relief coming here!

Finally, Bahm couldn't infiltrate my thoughts and all the secrets I was keeping from him.MY mind was able to rest and blurt out all the secrets I died to revaluate. I hoped I could keep up this charade, because I felt my self slipping and who knows what might come out of my mouth next time Bahm approaches me.

"Why couldn't I control myself, knowing that Bahm would obviously return after, or maybe that you would bring him back somehow?

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now