Wrong Turn: Nurse Hunnie

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Bahm's P.O.V

Impatiently pacing the outside the garage, sending the neighbors dirty looks, I waited for Hunnie to finish mending to Kris' wounds. The way she made it sound, was though he laid on his deathbed, but I just didn't trust him around her, so when she walked into her portal from my penthouse, I was furious, not expecting she'd teleport herself here!!


Barely tilting my head enough in view of the door, this spell over the garage masks her scent, along with Kris, never getting exact readings on our bond.

"WHAT!" She yells furiously.

Our bond however, did leak with anger and betrayal, coming mostly from her, as I only wanted to shower her with love. She's already been through so much, I know.

"What are you doing?" Boredly I ask, just wanting to hear her voice.

"I'm going to stitch this hole, it'll hurt a lot, but I have to!"

Her whispers to Kris reaches my ears effortlessly, she ignores me all the while.

She's still mad I take it, and she might even get more upset once she finds out I paused our conversation with Lydia, meaning we'd have to go back and settle this all. For everyone...

She was definitely stalling.

"No.. Hun-nie, I said!"

 "YOU HAVE...NO SAY!!!" Hunnie begins hollering to Kris.

He wants to die, so why not let him?

"Don't touch me!

Why don't... you listen!!!!!" 

His voice was extra deep and raspy, he doesn't speak to me in the link, and this spell over his garage, masked our connection to one another. I'm not really sure how he feel.

His argumentative attitude was, beginning to irritate me though. I might as well just teleport her out ad continue our conversation if he didn't want her help anymore.

"Stop pulling out the I--



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