What's Clear, is Clear

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Hunnie Inzotta

The day had come and it already started off like shit.

Not only did we sleep in extra late with the time difference, it being night here and morning over there, but there was a big surprise of blood once I emptied out my bladder.




 Bahm began freaking out once he got a whiff of blood, assuring himself he didn't "poke" the baby in the head.

It was very silly to watch him as he followed me all around the room, ensuring my safety until Mirah got here. I did however, recalled a few women coming into the hospital where I worked, about this. Most likely it was early spotting taking place. Sometimes it happened with twins too!

"How are you feeling Miss Hunnie?"

"I'm feeling fine."

"Any pressure, pain, or cramps feeling like your menstrual?"


No, not at all."

Bahm the whole time, had been cradling me in his lap like a baby, staring at my face intently through each answer I gave.

"Can I take a look around and feel if your cervix is low?"

With Bahm letting me go slowly, I laid down on our bed, pulling my gown up while Bahm covered my exposed half with a blanket and Mirah examined around. No one else was in the room, but us.

"Does this hurt?"

"Not much..."

"Alright I'm going in, little pressure....little pressure." Mirah eases a finger inside my lady bits, reaching for the highest of highest.

"This is nothing compared to me, why would your your fingers hurt?"

"Because she could be still be very sensitive, just because she takes you, doesn't mean its pleasant." Mirah winks after wiping clean her fingers.

"Yeah right.

She practically begged--.."


While sitting up, I covered his mouth and he nibbles on my palm!

"Well, it seems that the  bleeding had already stopped before she even woke, and her cervix is still sitting high, no sign of baby yet."

"So they are both alright?" Bahm asks confusingly with his hands on his hip.

"Yes, she is, just keep me updated and relax a little bit with the rough housing."

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now