Time to Act

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Kris Tang's P.o.v •᷄ࡇ•᷅

While seething inside this cage, Hunnie's scent flows through my nose wonderfully. It made me feel relief yet nervous all at the same time. Things will be different now.

Her face lights up with a crooked smile, saddened by my presence here in the cage, but after my heinous act towards her, I probably belong here after all. 

"Leave them," Leolo says, speaking to the two guards outside my cell.

Hunnie's worried expression as she raced up to the bars with anticipation crushed me. I can't be who you want me to be anymore.

Oh my gosh!" She shrieks. My face had been bashed in and was still in the healing process.

"I'm so glad to see you're okay" A croak slips my lips.

"What happened to your face!"

"Nothing I didn't deserve.

She looked beautiful in the bright yellow romper and the white ballerina shoes. Those beautiful and tight highlighted curls were half up and half down, and she smelled like roses.

 I was so delighted they cared for her before allowing her to come and see me. Knowing Hunnie, I knew she would search for me the first chance she got after hearing I was down in the dungeons.

She means the most in this castle to Bahm and me in many different ways. I will protect her for him, despite everything.

"I didn't mean to hurt you...Hunnie," my lips trembled.

"I tried to stop, but it had so much control over my body. I'm sorry." Turning my back to her, I stare off through the small window of my cell. I couldn't handle the ways she was looking at me.

I don't mean anything to you anymore, Hunnie.

If what that Demon said through Bahm, then I have to let you go.

"It's okay, Kris; I'm healed.

But how are you feeling?

I want you out."

She pushed her hands through the bars to call me over, but I kept my distance. There's no way I'd put them in danger again. 

"I can't leave the cage until I know that Demon won't control me again."

"But Kris, what do I do?
What can I do to get you out." She panics, wrapping her hands around the bars.

"I'm scared."

I closed my eyes harshly, and her shaky voice made me feel helpless. "Don't be scared, sweetie. You have Leolo as well. He's powerful, but I don't trust myself to come out yet. The beings in the castle will keep you safe too. Trust me on that."

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now