Chapter 60. A Mighty Hold

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Hunnie's p.o.v



Please talk to me."

My heart broke in two as Kris sobbed in the fetal position on the bench. He was so torn. It's unfair, he shouldn't have to go through so much, but I do need him right now.

"It can't be.

It can't be!

No, It can't be true."

Kris cries hysterically, choking and having difficulty breathing as I rub his back for comfort.

"Kris, please calm down. Everything will be fine. I'm here."

He bawls even louder, hurt and miserable croaks leaving his throat.

 What if that Demon was lying, saying anything to take control of Bahm?

Is his poor soul really suffering because Kris might be his long-lost son? One that was born 1500 years ago?

"Kris, please be quiet." I whimpered, wrapping my arms around his body. I couldn't stand seeing him this way and was beyond scared.

"I-I can-can't, Hunnie. 

It-It h-hurts, so bad!" 

He places his head on my lap, and I wipe the snot and tears off his face.
Banging and much thumping is then heard above our heads.

"Are they close?" I shouted, placing Kris' head back on the bench and walking up to the door, pressing my ears against the cold steel.

"You, you re-re-member the spell, r-right?" Kris stutters and sniffles before I turn around to face him. 

He was sitting up with his hair cascading down his face, and after nodding my head, he took his shirt off, handing it to me.

"Put this on and tie your robe tightly," he says, popping his head out the door. Once I took my robe off and put the shirt on, it came down over my bump and a little above my knees. At least if my robe opened, I wouldn't be exposed anymore!

"They're coming," Kris says. "But, it sounds like a hell of a fight. Stay behind me and get ready."

He motions for me to follow him outside the door just as a loud commotion of growls and swords is heard tumbling through the dungeon ahead of us. The closer the noise got, the more I wanted to urinate and vomit on myself. Is this really happening?

I sighed, not ready to face what was coming down this way.

I would have to protect Kris and myself with my dark acidic barrier.


My name is heard approaching rather quickly when Kris steps foot in front of me.


We hear Leolo's strong accent yell out, and then we see three soldiers walking into the room with long silver spears in their hands. Then the sound of a sinister growl fills the room before I notice the three men were holding a spear to the back of the Demon as they were coming through.

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