A New Bahm

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Bahm's P.O.V

"Do you know where his mother is living now?

Let's go right now!"

Hunnie becomes frantic, sliding away from the computer desk and grabbing my arms.

Sensing how distraught she was about all of this, made me feel uneasy, must be the work of the bond. I could feel all of her, ten fold.

"No baby, I never even met his moth--"

"YES YOU DID!" She yells suddenly, and I twist my eyebrows in return.


I JUST DON'T KNOW...where she's living anymore!"

She begins falling to the floor, breaking down as I catch her in my arms, lifting her to her feet. teleporting us back outside, all of a sudden she stops crying, looking up at me with her hazel glossy eyes.


"I'm sorry Hunnie, I don't know...

Maybe she is till living wherever you reme--"



You see this neighbor hood," Her eyes closes as I assume she wants me to look into her thoughts.

"Teleport us please!"

Saying no to my mate, was becoming harder and harder, so I obeyed her request, feeling the tension within our bond.

"If she's still in the same house...it should be this way."

Hunnie mumbles after we teleport to the destination, then she grabs a hold of my hand, dragging me along the sidewalk.

Dreading to see Kris again, he didn't mean anything to me anymore, he never did...I should have known when I returned I couldn't trust anyone, but myself.

"It's this one!

Do you smell him?"

"Uhh...I'm not sure."

"Come on, let's hurry!" Hunnie sucks her teeth in annoyance.

We march right up to the front doors of a large blue suburban house. A scent of a human woman floods my nostrils from inside.



Sorry it's late!"

My bold and courageous mate bangs on the door, disregarding how late it was now.

"Mrs. Tang?"

Moving from inside peaks my ears and the door knobs turns, opening the door just enough to see a very terrified brown eyed woman. She was oriental, just like my fathers side. Her face sends an uncomfortable feeling deep down, this is Kris' mother?

She glares at me first, long and hard, not able to remove her yes off of me.


It's me, Hunnie Inzotta. Kris' best friend from school.

Do you remember me?"

The woman finally looks way, pulling the door more ajar, but then she glares at me again.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now