Chapter 70. Wrap it Up

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Hunnie Inzotta

Bahm didn't seem to like the idea I proposed very much. He was afraid we'd clean Kris and his memories, but that wouldn't be the case. Tenn's grandmother was exceptionally accurate with this device her ancestors created, and I've even seen her use it live!

I guess I understood why he was so afraid.

"How do I know you won't wipe my memory, Hunnie?

Do you know what you'll be doing?"

"That's not how it works. I promise I do. It's much more simple than you think." I pout while I sit on his lap, fixing his silk yellow tunic collar.

He sighs, rubbing my back.

 "You can do it to Kris, but not to me," I shook my head in understanding, but it would be better for them to return to their usual selves. Bahm thinks I hadn't realized how much this was still crushing and affecting him, but I've seen it ever since.

He's so awkward and distant, relying on sex to cope, but I'm as big as a whale who only thinks about her next following and the agonizing steps to her next location lately.

 It would be great to see how'd they'd be as father and son!

During dinner in the Healing Chamber, I questioned why we weren't eating in The Dining Hall anymore, and Bahm said he was avoiding his mother!

 I wasn't expecting that response, more so to avoid Kris, but his mother?


She kept things from me far too many times now.

After you have the baby, I'm actually going to be leaving the castle."

"What do you mean?

You're giving up the throne?" My heart nearly sunk to the bottom of my chest.

"No, just leaving it all to Fei until my son becomes The Crowned Prince."

Crowned Prince? "Shouldn't it be Kris?"

 I blurted questionably, and he dropped his utensils from his hands and closed his eyes harshly. 

My breath hitches, wondering if I triggered a nerve, but then he quietly munches on his food, so I wrap a pork belly lettuce wrap and shove it in my mouth. Mmmm, mmm, mmm!

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now