Neither Dead, Nor Alive

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Leolo Alarie's P.O.V

The scent of The King eases its' way into my nostrils momentarily, but then it diminishes.

 That's odd.

His scent shouldn't be anywhere around the castle but the dungeons.

My eyes widened at the possibilities just as I used my vampire speed to go across the castle and back toward Madam Fei's chambers.

The scent must be coming from his mate. That would be the only explanation. My mind had been on alert since The King had become possessed, and all I could think about was the safety of everyone in the castle.

"Commander Leol Approaching!" Yelled one of my soldiers close by in our link.

"I'm here to see The King's mate, please." 

After bowing to the madam's guard, Alfred, I stepped in, getting a whiff of everyone in the chamber and their heartbeats.

Following my keen sense of smell, it told me Hunnie, the mate, was showering still. There shouldn't be much to worry about, then. She's safe and sound.

Well, that was until Madam Fei arrived in her chambers.

"Are you all ready for the Dark Witch?"

"Yes, Your Highness, I'll come back once she's out," I chirped, making my way out.



"Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, Madam, why do you ask?" Intrigued by what she had to say, I gave her my utmost attention, taking it off of Hunnie.

"Have you heard a heartbeat or even a breath escape from the washroom?"

The chippy expression vanishes from my face as I rapidly move throughout, pressing my ears to the door only to hear silence beside the shower hitting the same spot.

"She's gone!" 

I pissed, running, passed her maidens and out the doors towards the dungeons.She's tricked us!

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now