It's Not Over

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Do you...

Do you.... see ANYTHING?"

"Just a lot of blood!

Are you going to be okay?

I'm terrified I'll make a mistake!"

"I'll be fine, Im just very weak.
I.. tru-trust... in ... you!"

I've seen plenty of births before, but never one so bloody...and up close.

Nervous to my core, I concentrated entirely, scared everything will go wrong and my spawn won't make onto this earth.

There was so much blood and I could sense she was losing lots of it.

What do I do?

Heal her?

No...she said never to!

Do I help her and pull him out with my hands?

"Oh Demon King.
Please...another one is coming!"

She reaches out, searching for my hands and over oval shaped stomach, we held hands tightly. More so, her.

She screams, frightening me as her lady hole starts to expand, filling up with a dark patch full of hair.

My eyes widen, is this him?

Is my son showing himself to us?

Tears filled my eyes as well as the lovely melody of my love pushing him out.
We endured the pain together until she stopped screaming.

"I'm so tired...
I's cannot go...on."

Her head slowly leans to the side and her grip on my hand loosens. My heart accelerates in my chest.

AN'NHI!!!" I shouted ever so violently.

I will not let her die!

"Wake up!


"I'm here. I'm here." She moves her head quickly, and I see her weak body preparing to tense her body once more.

Now she was gripping me tightly, sitting up and I could see how flushed her sweet ivory face was. I couldn't wait to deliver this baby so she didn't have to feel pain any longer.

"I so...much!

She pushes and another gush of blood leaves her core, as well as the patch of thick dark hair filling her womanhood more and more.

Suddenly the head pops and she yells," GET HIM" and I quickly grasp his head, pulling softly like she had explained how to do the night before.


My eyes grew wide, yelling over her whimpers and agonizing screams as I gently guide the head out the canal, witnessing the exposed shoulders his purple-ish skin.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now