A Glimpse of Sunshine

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「Bahm, The half Demon-Wolf, half Dark Fei King of Ghabaàr!」

While Kris and Hunnie became acquainted and situated in their new large living chambers that Hunnie kept referring to as an "apartment" every time she opened the door leading to the pool. Since it was nightfall here, the castle was quiet, and only the sounds of their voices escaping out their back door, was all I could hear or them.

Kris was very quiet most of the time, probably assuming I was listening in on them, but he didn't know that I already had the room cloaked and sealed, even from my ears. It's the least I could do to make him feel comfortable. He really hates me and I want to show him how sorry I was, yet still understand. 

I hated myself.

 Ever since marking Azalea, I couldn't  have been more disappointed in my actions more than ever. Hunnie was my mate. I should have just continued to pursue her instead of lashing out and marking another woman in an angered fueled psychosis! 

Everything was my fault!

Losing Hunnie to myself, never to Anna, losing both her and Kris again when I arrived back to earth, now... I'm losing myself.


I've been to embarrassed to bring this to attention.

Kris would fear me even more.

My family and Kingdom always frowned upon the demons I absorbed the first time I was banished to Hell, but I always kept them in control and kept myself and my people  safe, despite suffering wraths or two by my hands. 

I'm stronger than they think, but now, I might've underestimated the new thing I absorbed to come back home.

I just wanted to come back to my mate and show her how apologetic I was and how much her existence meant to me. I thought it was the only way. 

When Aldrerix and I eat a demon in a killing process, we can choose if we want it's powers, and sometimes we get those powers along with the demon's soul. If they're strong enough...


My eyes trail the wall by my doors, following it slowly after hearing the guards outside my chambers speak to a woman.

It was Hunnie. 

I hadn't even recognize she had the left Kris' room and was coming over to see me. Gosh I can't even focus anymore. This is bad!

"Hello Leolo.

King's inside?"

 She says ever so casually and cute, not ever sure how to speak to my people. IT didn't even mattered. They'll love her just as much as I do.

"Hey!" Her face as well as mine breaks out into a huge smile as I rush up to take her in my arms.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now