Brighter Days

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Hunnie Inzotta

Days go by where my life couldn't have felt more wonderful and complete more than it's ever been. Kris purchased a new phone for me, where I was able to ease my friend's minds about how I was oversees with Kris and Bahm and had broken my phone. He also got Bahm one, because I asked.

My friends would be selling my house for me, and I told them I'd give them the profit. Plus I'd be seeing them soon for the small baby shower Kris and I would be hosting. Of course Bahm couldn't be there, Kris forbade it, saying Bahm's people will have one for me sometime soon anyway, so it's best he doesn't show.

Everything was working out, except for the fact Kris still hated Bahm and, until he mentioned something to me that angered and made me feel extremely shitty about myself. He actually didn't say anything at all, instead, he typed it on the new phone he had purchased for me a few days ago. Telling me to hush.

I gasped after reading the text.

Why would he want to do that!

Doesn't he think that hurts me too!

I cried. It was something he wanted to do.

"I don't mean to upset you Hunnie.

This isn't about you, I promise.

I just can't have it anymore, I don't want it." He says typing away as I sat on his lap, reading his words.

"But Kris!" I sobbed out loud.

"It is because of me!

Please...please don't do this."


Don't get yourself so worked up." He whispers while pointing to another text on the phone.

It read, "This is what I want Hunnie. Please, don't be sad" and he sets the phone down before I lowered my head onto his chest.

 He continued to type about how I shouldn't worry because he'd at least wouldn't do it until Bahm was aware, but it didn't make me feel any better.

"I promise not to do anything yet." He spoke while caressing my head.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now