Story Time

16 2 0

Hunnie Inzotta

Will I have this baby tonight, or what!

This pain was horrible, and I couldn't believe no one had returned yet.

I began pacing back and forth around the room, holding my stomach and trying to soothe the pain that accompanied it. There was stretching, contorting, and tightening along with my son resting on organs he shouldn't even reach!

Growing frustrated, I made my way to the doors, leaving this empty and heaven-forsaken room! With every step, a new pain radiated up and over my body.


You in pain?"

A voice comes behind me, and I turn to see Bahm creeping up behind me with open arms. I nod to his question, and suddenly, all my pain vanishes in his embrace. I look up at the warm expression on his face, shooting him a small smile, and he kisses my lips before sniffing me.

"Where did you go?"

His expression changes, one more nervous, and he replies by saying he went to help Leolo with something. Right away, I could tell he was lying, and I think he noticed this too.

"You know why, Hunnie.

Don't make me say it."

"Don't you think you two should--"

-"No, Hunnie.

No more!" 

His voice raises, and he turns to face away from me. My pain came back immediately, but not as heavy as before. I believe this was the false contractions, so it didn't alarm me, but what did was Bahm's attitude.


It's true, then?"


That I'm a monster that fed, beat, r*ped, and even m*lested my own spawn?

Yes, Hunnie!"

I walked up and around him, holding his arms as tears sprung out his closed eyes. His jaw clenched, and his breathing was heavy.

"It was an accident, Bahm, no one knew-"

"It doesn't matter.

I can't face him...I'm sorry." 

He lowers his head, holding in the sob that wanted to burst out, and I stand on my tip-toes to wrap my arms around his neck. Suddenly he began slumping down, much heavier than I thought!

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now