Pray For This

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Hunnie Inzotta

"Can I cut your steak for you?"

Bahm flashes his pearly whites once Kris takes his leave.

I was a bit upset he sent Kris away like that, but Kris didn't try to put up a fight besides saying Bahm wasn't himself. We all knew, but what made Kris say this too?

They don't even speak to each other!



He stands, reaching across his way and taking my plate.

His nails then elongate, and the fork in his hands holds the steak down before his pointed finger slices a thin piece of the creamy shrimp-covered steak.

"My hands are clean, don't worry."

He wore a grin, seemingly satisfied and proud, as he cut the meat for me. 

"Why did you chase Kris away?

It's his night." 

My lips pout, hoping I don't trigger an unpleasant response from him once he looks up, but his jaws only clench, and he continues glaring down, cutting. When he's finished, his nails shrink against his tongue while he places my dish in front of me. The meal looked more than the five stars it was delivered, and my mouth drooled with anticipation.

"Just rough times, Hunnie, and I need you around to make it better," Bahm mumbles with his arms on the table, staring down at his untouched plate. 

"Is everything alright?

Do you wanna talk about it?"

He shook his head, stating that he felt better that I was here, and began cutting his steak. I popped a few thin slices covered in sauce into my mouth, as well as shrimp. I'm sure our baby was now dancing from how fricken delicious this surf and turf-like meal was!

"Maybe, we can all start hanging out toge-"


"So why are you all mad at Kris all of a sudd--"

"I'M NOT, HUNNIE!" He finally snaps and covers his face in shame after.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now