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Bahm's P.O.V

There was no way I could sleep.

Moments like this I wished I could be back in The Demon Realm, fighting through my insane and hungry urges.

Everything in me said not to go over there and teleport to Hunnie and Kris, joining in on their kinky fiasco. I was embarrassed to say the least, not able to keep my mind from stretching out across seas and hear their passion filled moans.

It drove my demons crazy!

Even more crazy when there wasn't a peep heard throughout the castle, leaving my ears to spy on Hunnie and Kris.

Their own sensations felt too good on my body, experiencing both of their emotions and tasting Hunnie's liquids as if it was right on the tip of my tongue, killed me!

Desperately, I had to stop myself from showing up there!

What do I do?

What do I do?

Rushing from underneath the cover to distract my mind, I walked out of my room and to our humongous garden at the side of the castle, picking a handful of our Carolina reapers. One of the hottest peppers in the world!

The bumpy texture massages my tongue with each plop to my mouth, releasing the heat and oil from the pepper and the crunching noises soothed my ear. Steam also filled my ears and mouth, burning my throat and insides, but I continued to eat them. This was nothing to me!

The gardener was tending to the eggplants early these late hours and didn't even spare me a glance. He continued his work while I stood just a few feet away. Hisses began leaving my mouth and I threw my head back with the heat taking over.

" feel...


A small voice escapes into my ears and my eyes widened! Closing my eyes through the heat I became lost in our shared bond again.

Hearing Hunnie's lusty and soft voice during intimacy was one my Demons and I couldn't tolerate. My hands slip into my pants, stroking my member and peeling my skin back, toying with my shaft as I popped a few more reapers in my mouth.


My eyes shoot open, removing my hands from my trousers swiftly and remembering where I as the gardener turns back around, looking slightly over his shoulders. The light in the field illuminated the look on his face.

Before I could excuse my self, or apologize for my fresh actions, my cock began to burn tremendously!

I howl, startling the decrepit old man he drops his tools and turns to face me. He sees me jumping up and down and grabbing my cock through my trousers and choked on his words.

Without a warning I teleport to my shower, but quickly change my mind for hot water wouldn't help me right now and that's all... I HAD PROGRAMMED INTO MY PLUMBING!!

Teleporting back outside, with eyes full of tears, I stripped my clothing and jumped right into the lap pool. The coldness shocks my body and burns my phallus even more!


Upon coming to the surface, three lingering shadows began picking the pieces of my clothing off the ground and a shriek leaves my mouth when I could still feel my phallus burning!

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now