Witchy Ending

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Bahm Ri


ᘒTwo Years Laterᘒ

Kris ducked behind the counter when Hubi waved her hand his way.

She's been horrible with her magic lately. Curse Hunnie for being a full-blooded Dark Witch!

Luckily for Kris, the slight beams of Dark Magic don't come flying out of Hubi's tiny hands!


You did something?"

"Yeah," I replied angrily to Kris while glaring disappointedly at Hubi.

"NO MORE!" I shouted at her, waving my hand, so she got the message. She cries right away.

If it weren't for the fact I could sense Dark Magic from practicing it my whole life, Kris would have been deceased by my almost three-year-old daughter. 

One day, it started with pillow fights after breakfast and during her schooling.

 Before Kris could throw the pillow back playfully across the lounge room to her, she put up her hand, and luckily I was there to stop her from setting Kris ablaze.

To him, it was more comical that his little sister was powerful, but for me, it was alarming at her age!

This morning I placed a spell on her magic after she displayed this a few more times while playing. An ancient spell from the Gods themselves. I've had this put on me once or twice in my thousand-plus years of living, and I couldn't allow a three-year-old to try and control that kind of magic right now.

Hunnie didn't know about this, and I didn't want to stress her out.

She's been working hard to secure her family in the real world and become the new Queen of Ghabáar. I wanted her to enjoy living her young life as well. Just because she's a hybrid now doesn't mean she couldn't pursue her dreams.

In our Kingdom, she hosted small gatherings with the many regular Witch Doctors, treating them to highly royal meals and getting to know them all. This led to her knowledge of caring for many different supernaturals worldwide.

 I also learned more techniques and skills for defending myself with the information she cared to share with me, which was all!

When the twins were five, she opened a business selling medical tools and instruments to hospitals with Anna's leftover money. It was also the only way she could wash the millions of diamonds and gold nuggets I inherited from my father.

She bought a house, and officially on paper, I owned something for the first time with my last name alongside my wifes', Hunnie Ri. 

Although, in Witchy World, it didn't matter.

 The same house she bought in the human realm, she owned the rights to the land mirroring Witchy Worlds' and bought it from the new council. It was a mansion where she ran her supernatural clinic. "Hunnie's House of Dark Magic," she called it, trying to heal everything that had eyes or a heart.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now