Said A Little Prayer For You

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⸙͎۫Bahm's P.O.V ⸙͎۫

Our face makes contact with Hunnie's feet as The Gatekeeper tried to attack Kris.

Our ears rang. Holy kick, my mate!

My thoughts and expression were now becoming free, allowing me to take control of my body parts, but not for long.

I blink rapidly as my eyes point up to the sky. The taste of blood was all around my mouth and teeth, and my nose was on fire.




I hear Leolo shouting then Hunnie steps into view of the sky, looking down at me with her hands on her hips.

"You're mate is becoming a nuisance.

She dies by my hands, now!"

The Gatekeeper looks up at Hunnie as she grabs a fistful of my hair with a seriously on her face and tilts my head up within her grasp. She was mad about this whole transformation, wasn't she?

"WHO ARE YOU!" She yells, then steps onto my left arm.

I yell in agony. It wasn't the Demon this time, buscreamingice yelling in pain. He's given me control of myself again! What a coward. Leave me to experience the pain while he did the easy work!


IT'S ME!!"


Another agonizing yelp leaves my mouth when she stands on my other arm, pinning me down in a very awkward position as she crushed my muscles.

"How can you take advantage of me?

FUCK ME, and then KILL ME!!" She carves her finger along my face, which burned at her touch.

I look into her eyes, flaring my lips and teeth with pain. Then, she squats down towards my face, sinking her teeth right into my cheeks, and The Gatekeeper takes hold of my leg, kneeing Hunine in the face that she goes flying backward.


I yell, swiftly hopping onto my feet to spin around and see Leolo and some of his men catching Hunnie.

"Bahm, is that you?"

 Leolo says, but before I cant reply, The Demon within me prepares to shift again, but Hunnie quickly says a spell that causes a distubing, loud , ringing pitch in our ears. It brought us to our knees and disrupted the shifting process.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now