Confessions and Sins

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Hunnie Inzotta

He couldn't seem to keep his paws off me.

Typical Bahm, but it felt different this time around.

His touches were still warm, addictive and comforting, yet shy, mysterious and even curious.


How I missed all of him, even if he doesn't remember me yet.

He was being extra delicate, cupping my cheeks whenever he could, or brushing his knuckles across my mark. It made me shiver from the long lost touch I died for. Literally.

While we showered, he cleaned me, washed my hair and when he'd place a hand on my small bump, I'd become uncomfortable.

Why hasn't he brought up anything about the baby I'm carrying?

Does this new Bahm really not care, and accepts me how I am?

"Can I get you something to eat? I can hear your stomach growling.

 I'd also like you to meet my mom."

" I can eat...and I've...met her...before."

HIs eyes squints and he tilt his head to the side.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that just yet.

"You did?


"Umm..." I began rewrapping the towel around my chest, "Umm. You brought me here"

"I'll BE BACK!" 

He declares suddenly and his facial expression become sour.


Don't go!"

"Hunnie I need to figure out why everyone knew about you, EXCEPT ME! 

It's really pissing me off!"

"It was protect you."

"WHAT ABOUT YOU!" His voice raises and it startled me, but I understood where he was coming from.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now