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While teleporting my own belongings from inside my house to the garage, I began mixing the casting powder for Kris' arms and legs. This is the much I can do, seeing as he almost died for hiding a secret about me. 

What should I do with Bahm this time?

Do I let him end things with Lydia, knowing he'll still be mines, or do I run away like last time?Remembering the time I sprung into a relationship with Anna for protection. The hurt in my heart never would subside, especially since Bahm doesn't even know me, let alone remember me!

Oh Annie, I wish you were hear to guide me. You know him better than I even do.

Tears dropped into the mixing bucket, and I got up to begin placing wet plaster bandages all over his arms and legs, covering them all with the mold. He was dead asleep, making this hard process an even easier one as I read the directions carefully until we had a hardened cast.

Moments go by, when a knock comes to the garage door.

Who could that be?

 Bahm can't get anywhere near the doors to knock!

"Hello?" I open the door slowly, meeting the beautiful face of Annie.

"Oh, hello Mrs. Tang!"

"Hi..Hunnie," She smiles painfully, pushing a glass container to my hands.

 "Thank you...for caring my son," Her still thick accent brought back many memories of Kris and I when we were younger, helping her read many times.

"'re welcome...I...

I promise....He will be better..." 

Tears pooled in her eyes before streaming down her face, and just like last time I saw her, she bows her head oddly enough to me.

"Thank you."

After she walks back to the front of the house, I continued to make Kris comfortable while eating a spicy mushroom and chicken strew, with white rice. Ripping apart a few sheets found on an old dryer, I manage to create a sling for Kris's leg and tied it to the plumbing  pipe above our heads.

Hopefully, everything wasn't too tight.

Waving my finger in the air, trying a new way, besides quickly summoning my portal, I arrived at my house again. It sparkled in beauty with the illusion spell, and I as I grabbed more equipment and supplies from my living room closet, the silhouette of a person standing in the corner startles me.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now