Cruel Heavens

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Kris' P.O.V

Dozens of guards surround the hall in the blink of an eye. Their swords were drawn, eyes wide, and most wore steel armor plates. These were Bahm's soldiers, and I'm sure seeing their commander in his grasp wasn't what they expected to see from receiving Leolo's possible mind link.



Hunnie shrieks when she witnesses Bahm trying to bite into Leolo's neck. 

His top canines were elongated and sharp, as well as his bottom. Leolo, That old man was strong, they both were, but if he was to get underneath Bahm's razor blade fangs, I wasn't sure if he'd recover.

"Commander Leol, what are your orders?" 

The blonde-haired Second Commander asked while slowly pulling his sword out of his sheath.



He hollered from the ground, struggling to keep Bahm away from him. What's with sinking his fangs into everything? How exactly does this gatekeeper demon work?

 Leolo receives a nice slash to the face. Nervousness floods my nose from the others watching the scene and from my body when suddenly Bahm gets the upper hand on Leolo, grabbing him in a headlock and containing him.

Momma Fei could be heard down the hall as Bahm held Leolo hostage with a deadly and sinister look in his eyes. He looked so different, deranged, and dark. I feared something terrible would happen, real fast.


"No, mother. Something is wrong! You mustn't!" 

My heart pounded in my chest once more before I opened my mouth, and I grabbed Hunnie into my chest.

"What do you want?"

Bahm's eyes travel over to me through the crowded area, making the skin on my body crawl.

"That's funny, you ask.

I only wanted his body, but it seems that knowing who his son was, made him vulnerable."

The room goes into an uproar, and momma Fei drops down to her knees at my side while soldiers around her begin hoisting her back up. Why is he talking like that?

"What-What, son?" Hunnie whimpers as she clings to me.

"Bahm honey, please. I get you are enraged, but let's talk." 

Momma Fei managed to squeeze through the guards and closer to the middle.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now