Surprise, Baby

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Hunnie Inzotta


Bahm scooped me off the ground, and after my second set of contractions, I couldn't think about anything else's besides the fact I saved Kris' life, but he was in a sleeping hold.

I was nervous his lashing out would harm Bahm more than himself. He's been so broken, and I felt for him.

As much as I wanted to include him in everything, Bahm was right. Things can never be the same. He can never look at me with those dreamy eyes ever again. He also can never flirt with me like I was his first crush.

The thought about it erupts a sob from my mouth, and when Bahm places me down on a complex, circular, cushioned bed, he looks at me stunned.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?"

"It's Kris."

"What about him?"

"I know he'd liked to be here...that is all," I mumbled, looking away and tensing my body for the next wave of contraction.

"I know, Hunnie.

Trust me, but this is the arrival...of his sibling.

He doesn't belong here anymore." Bahm says quickly as I gaze up at the sheer red canopy above our heads.

A vision of the blue-colored-looking princess room is all my eyes caught before clamping shut through another contraction.

They were excruciating! I Wasn't expecting this sudden pain right away!

Okay, Hunnie!

Think clearly about the delivery plan you've been going over these past few weeks.

"My mom!" I whispered hoarsely to Bahm between breaths.

 I wanted my adoptive mother to be part of this and my girlfriends.

"Yeah, we'll get them over between your contractions. Don't worry." His soothing words and hands caressing down my back made this all more surreal.


Sorry, I came as soon as Leolo told my people!"

A familiar voice interrupts the quietness in the room, and after lifting my head, my eyes widen in shocking surprise.


I shrieked in question after my contractions calmed down, then I looked at Bahm puzzlingly.

"She's the best midwife in town. I hope it was okay."

 A warm smile creeps onto his face, and Anna approaches my bedside, holding her hand out for me to take as she kisses my knuckles.



None of that."

Bahm scolds her, and she hides the smile itching towards the side of her beautiful bronze face. She looks the same in every way. It's been a long time since I've seen Anna.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now