Chapter 80. Eternity Day

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Hunnie Inzotta

Weeks went by, and I had become a walking mommy moo cow, until this week. I was beyond busy!

The twins bawled when anyone picked them up, and as much as I used to crave to do it all alone in the beginning, I was appreciative of having Luisi, Opi, and Vehonia as my on-call nannies.

Bahm drove me insane, too, but it gave me my space for sleeping and spending gross amounts of alone time with my kids while he got to know Kris a bit more.

He returned to America two weeks after I had the twins but returned today for our special day.

While he was in America, he kept calling my phone, asking if Bahm had ever been to Witchy World, and now that I thought about it, Bahm should have run into Kris somehow.

"A few witches here were asking about my "good-looking friend I used to hang out with.

Any idea what they are talking about?"

"No, but knowing your father, he probably did something magical to keep his eye on you and won't tell a soul."

"So, maybe we've run into each other and never realized?"


Maybe. I mean, I've known you forever, and he's been in my life for the past three years, so I'm not sure how he'd miss you?"

I clicked the call off that day, requesting Bahm into my chambers and asking him if he's ever met Kris since it weighed on me. All that time when he harassed me at The Academy when I rejected him, how did they never notice each other?

"Who knows!

I have so many friends in the state you grew up in, we might've crossed paths before!"

"But how could you not smell him!" My eyebrows twist sternly. It didn't make sense to me, but then again, Kris was always goofing around with his troublemaker friends. He'd never have time to notice a fly passing by his head, and Bahm was always paying attention to me, so I guess how he could?

"Okay, yes, Hunnie.

I probably did.

Is that what you want to hear, that I didn't even notice my own flesh and blood...

Because I was so infatuated with you."

He grabs my face grinning, and plants a kiss on my curious lips.

Oh, my mate!

He's been the best he could be as a father.

He was never one to argue, but he worshipped the ground I walked on and made me feel so comfortable as a mother! What I said goes here in the castle, and I never asked for it to be that way. Bahm just catered to me a little too much!

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now