Stay On Your Toes

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Hunnie Inzotta

"Hurry, Fetch a bucket for her!"

"Here, here, 

Your Highness!"

Taking the t from Suki with trembling, shaky hands, I fall on Mirah's small couch in her office, clutching my stomach and rubbing in circular patterns.

"Now, tell me what's going on."

I opened my mouth to talk but quickly got shut down by this queasy carnival feeling in my stomach.

"No, not you, you're too out ill." A dry heave escapes right out my mouth after the r she says that, and I grasp the bucket on the ground, vomiting stomach acid. 

Gosh, I'm so hungry.

" I-I...

I think Bahm slept on her stomach! 

He wouldn't wake up either; who knows how long he's been like that!" Kris blurts frantically. He was very worked up and nervous about this all.

"Oh heavens...I see."

"Come on! 

Check the baby!!" Kris' arms wail in the air, and his expression changed to anger.

"Young Master, his heart rate is a bit fast, but it doesn't sound like it's fading," Mirah paces back and forth, examining me, and listening in as Suki begins rubbing her hands soothingly on my back for comfort.

"Can you hear him?"

I finally speak between breaths, wiping my lips and looking at Kris deep in his worried eyes. 

"Oh, Hunnie!

Are you feeling alright?

Do you want to lie down?" 

I shake my head no while accepting a cookie bar Suki grabbed from a cabinet.

"Ohh, food!

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now