Chapter 40. Under The Weather

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Why did you do that!"

"I hate him!" She bawls rushing into my arms.

"That wasn't nice, baby."

"I don't care. He isn't nice to me...He hasn't been for a while..." Kissing all over her head, I pat her back, letting her cry in my arms. The fast pacing heart beat from both her, and our son, made me realize how much we do need Kris in our lives.

He was the one that brought us back together anyways.

"No matter what I do, it's never good enough for him!!!

I cloak myself...sustain his for his....

His....HIS STUPID ASS!" She spat, looking back inside the garage and yelling loud enough that Kris could hear.

"But Hunnie, it was can't--you shouldn't have done that."

"I'm sure it wasn't even that hot!" She croaks.

Crying in my embrace, the pounding of Kris' heart grows louder and louder as he grunts and pants while I hear pieces of noodles hit the ground. It's clear he's hurt her feelings in many ways, or else she wouldn't have done something so emotional as to chuck a hot bowl of soup on him.

Not daring to look through his vision to see if he had any burns, for he'd feel me right away, instead I wiped the tears from Hunnie's face and pushed her back into the garage.

She turns to look at me with red eyes of remorse before I waved her away and she proceeds back towards Kris.


Kris...I'm sorry." 

Watching her walk to the middle of the room, she faces Kris. He was at an angle I couldn't see him in and I didn't want to intrude on them anyway. Hunnie begins cautiously picking up pieces of glass shards off from the ground.

Kris was quiet the whole time, only hisses and grunts left his mouth as Hunnie looks up at him for a reaction with every piece she picked up. Without hesitation, I summoned all the glass pieces to my hands, chucking them in the grass to my side and wiping my bloody hands on my trousers. My mate doesn't need to be picking up glass shards!

She looks around the ground, then over to me by the doors with her head tilted to the side as I motion for her to continue with Kris. I didn't want her getting worked up again. That could've also been a reaction from absorbing my magic as well, but she is a full Dark Witch and not half, meaning her whole body was a dark fortress already.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now