Sit and Look Pretty

36 2 0

Hunnie Inzotta

Dreading my return back to The Academy.

The effort to try and persuade my friends to go out for drinks at the nearby pub across the way had failed. Carney had to attend the awards for The Vampire community. She claimed she would be getting an award this year for helping her parents create another way for vampires to drink blood from plants and insects.

"You deserve this award Carney. You and your parents are phenomenal!" I congratulated her on our way up to the 3rd floor.

 Carney was outstanding with her beliefs and a superb scientist like her parents.

We all took seats in the magical auditorium, finding other vampires we attended human school with and began chatting right away. I was nervous I would be spotted by Bahm and Kris somewhere amongst the crowds, but quickly I calmed my nerves, reassuring myself they wouldn't be here anyways.

"Welcome all to the annual Vampire recognition for both the Night Walkers and the Day Walkers." 

A humbled and well dressed being stood on the stage to make the announcement, wearing a black suit and tie. 

"That's The Lead General for our species." Carney whispers over to us with eyes glued to the stage hovering above ground.

We all sat in our seats patiently, even after an hour goes by, watching beings walk across the stage to be recognized for their hard efforts. 

The auditorium was now fully packed with thousands of seats filled with cheering relatives and friends.

Carney finally gets called on the stage for her heroic acts on finding a different source and way for their species to live peacefully.

"Most heroic efforts to provide our community with hope of living peacefully without human blood,will be awarded to the young Carney Saffan. The only daughter to our communities Scientist, Velera and Anton Saffan!"

Carney finally gets called on the stage for her heroic acts on finding a different source and way for The Vampire species to live peacefully. 

We all began clapping happily for our friend as we stand out of our seats swiftly.

As soon as the ceremony was over, I stayed behind and said my goodbyes to fellow classmates before meeting the ladies outside the auditorium.

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