Young Master

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"Tell him today.

I can't keep his heart much long--"



Hunnie yells irritatedly at me.

What the hell was her problem!

Pregnant Hunnie was so mood, always hard to please and understand!

"Well I don't ask for much Hunnie!

And, I'd like to get a move on about this.

Why should I be forced to hold his heart any longer?"


It's hard on, ALL OF US!

I don't like being the middle...

You need to talk to him!

I am exhausted and mentally, CHECKED OUT!"

After listening to her vent, she was right.

There's no reason to place any stress on her and the baby. As a man I should face my problems head on. I just really wished Bahm would of said something that day, agree or beg me not to take his heart out, but he didn't say a thing. Now it's up to me, to put it all in motion.

"I'm sorry Hunnie.

I'll take things into my own hands.

Calm down before you kick my ass back home." I joked and she cuts me a glare as if she didn't believe me.

"Yeah right.

You don't even talk to him!"

"How can I Hunnie?

I can't even look at his face...

All I see is that monster he turned into that repeatedly punched and bit into me...and broke my bones and...and....Just how can I?" Hunnie cups my face as I go into my own rant as well.

"I'm sorry Kris.

It shouldn't be like this. It's my fault too--"

"No, It's not, Hunnie!

It's all Bahm's fault. He should have rejected Azalea when I told him to!

But enough down memory lane. I'll talk to him again before we go to bed."

"Try your hardest to be kind.

I'm worried about him, and you--"

"-That, I can't!

However it comes out."

Rubbing on her rump gently in the two piece bathing suite she just put on, we walked through the back door in our room, towards the lap pool and into the jacuzzi. Of course Leolo accompanied us, keeping his distance between as well as any servants that were assigned to keep an eye on Hunnie.

She was safe with me, and I didn't want to be bothered. That might be another thing I have to bring to Bahm's attention tonight. I don't need any servants around, and if I did, I'd just link our beta that lives here in the castle and delivers my food to my room.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now