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Bahm's P.O.V

This fool!

Why isn't he answering!


Why are you still outside of her house?




"Is everything alright babe?

You're staring off into space again.

Is it Kris?"

"Yeah, give me a second."

After exiting Lydia's potion class, rushing out Into the halls, I got a better reading on Kris.


What are you doing!!"

I hate when he doesn't fucking answer!

Why bear my heart, if you can't come through!




Goosebumps coated my flesh when Kris begins slurring in our link.

Something is definitely wrong!

His connection to me indicates that he was struggling somehow.


He cries in the link.


What's wrong? it the spell?"

By now I had the urgency to quickly walk away from Lydia's class and storm down the hall.

"Is it the spell?

Say somethin!...

What the hell man!"

The thought of Hunnie's Demon warding spell wounding Kris, never came to mind.

Why didn't I think about that shit!!


I'm... coming.

I'm coming!"

My heart in his chest was accelerating. Now I was beginning to put together the pieces that his body was failing him. I sprinted like a mad man down the halls, shoving and forcing my way out the doors.


Kris shrieks in the link.


"T-T-Tell..." He groans weakly in our connection.

By now his heart was slowing down, so I teleported to him right away, arriving just outside Hunnie's white Pickett fence.


My eyes went wide when I seen his body laying at the bottom steps of her porch.

Oh heavens! I'm too late!

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now