Much Worse

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Hunnie ☀ ❂  ✪

"Can I get two today, please?"

"Oh yes darling!

What does the Little one crave today?"

His words brightened me up, yet brought much embarrassment to me.

"The strawberry and oreo please."

"Do you have a baby in there miss?"

A small voice squeaks to my side, tugging on my sweater dress and causing the adults around to burst out in laughter.

While retrieving the two ice cream cones from the driver, I smile at the blonde haired child and nodded my head.

"She has to eat for two human beings now." I look behind my shoulder, shooting the Childs parents a crooked smile.

I hated that everyone around me was beginning to notice I was carrying. After handing the ice cream diver his money, I felt eyes glued to the back of my head as I walked away.

"Momma, I want a baby brother too!" The child yells as I nod and my smile my way out, ignoring my social anxiety and walking up the street to my house.

The walk was short but a fire could almost be set ablaze outside with how hot it was. The sun scorched, prompting me to quickly fling off the sweaty dress I wore and my bra, before tossing my oreo ice cream into the freezer. I enjoyed my other strawberry under the cool air of my air conditioner.

My phone begins vibrating to my side, but it was an unrecognizable number, so I didn't even have any thoughts of picking it up. After eating both ice creams cones, I decided to take a short nap before dinner time.

My phone annoyingly starts vibrating some more, interrupting my much needed slumber.

It was the same number from town calling. My eyes quickly close, unable to fight my sleep any much longer.

When I woke, the air in the room was very hot.

Shit, I thought I turned the A.C on!

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now