Something's Fishy

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Kris Tang's  P.O.V


How is it...


It's so good, isn't it!"


Can I take some back to the castle?"

"Yeah, I'll order you two plates to take home."

I wave my hands to call the waiter over, ordering another seafood Alfredo for my ravenous baby momma and her supernatural spawn in her belly. Seafood is definitely the way to her heart, and I was very excited to show her that I remembered this!

She's been so head over heels since I gifted her an early baby shower gift. 

A hollowed out, monk blessed, diamond crafted necklace with gold melted inside, to keep her overwhelming Dark magic in. I was well aware of the one she kept around her ankle since I've first met her, and I guess since she's carrying a baby, times might become tough, harder to control her magic as she gets farther along. Plus it was beautiful against her bronze skin!

How far is she right now...

One month....two months...four months?....

She should be about 6 months by now!

"Hey, why don't we go back to the castle and go swimming?"


No thanks."

Cutting my answer short, she seemed bothered by my facial expression, it was difficult hide my hatred.

I don't know why she's been trying to get me to go back to the castle with her today! I wanted to have some alone time with her where she doesn't mention Bahm nor his people for once! A time where I can have her out in public and make her smile, all on my own.

The conversation changed very quickly when it was time to leave the restaurant, resulting in how sick she's been with this pregnancy, and it was something I could see already.

 I've actually been planning on asking Hunnie to stay the night if possible, I'd like to go to sleep with her and wake up by her side.

Her baby shower I was throwing was only in two days and I needed her help to arrange the transportation for friends and family, plus visit the venue the day before to ensure it was decorated the way she desired, so her presences was very much needed these next two days.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now