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Bahm's P.O.V

After the night Kris checked in on the Dark Witch named Hunnie, when morning came he told me he was going to be staying with his mother pretty soon, once she came back from staying in the temple.

He expressed how he needed to spend time with her, but I knew deep down it was because he didn't want to be around me anymore.

I might've been too harsh on him that night, but I was only trying to also hide the fact I had already been to her place, plus had close contact with her. I also didn't want to admit my utmost curiosity about that woman to anyone.

Something inside of me didn't want Kris to leave my side either. We were barely saying much to each other, as I didn't even know what to say to him anymore, he couldn't stand my presence, though he pretended like he could.


 I'll be playing ball with my friends tonight. 

Don't stay up for me." He says when I came through the door from The Academy.

"Do you want come?" He forces himself to ask. His persona has been different towards me, and it made me feel like shit lately. Almost feeling sorry that I wasn't the man he remembered.

"No, it's fine.

 Go have fun."

He nods and proceeds out the door.

He hadn't been back at the academy, only to pick us up sometimes when I didn't want to use my abilities. I did however, avoided Hunnie by all means. She too came back, attending some of Lydia's classes, but we both never stuck around. I dreaded the thought of her pinpointing me to her suicide attempt.

How would I explain to both her, and Kris that I saved her that night and kept it a secret?

I was betraying Kris, actually I had betrayed him and guilt flooded my soul as well...

Today, I was home alone, waiting for Lydia's return from some store for Siren's in Witchy World. I began dozing off, recollecting my memories of the last moment I happened to be near Hunnie.

Her name suited her, because she did have features  like honey. 

Glowing, flawless skin,

Delicious scent,

Even her skin toned was warm like honey.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now