Where's Kris

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Hunnie Inzotta

"No more, please!" With shaky legs, panting through every breath, exhaustion took me over.

Bahm doesn't ease off one bit. He continues this torture with his tongue.

"Mmm...one more," he groans, the vibration reaching my folds and my teeth comes in contact with my bottom lip.

His buries his face even deeper between my thighs, gripping my waist and lapping my oh, so, sensitive clit. Then moving lower, his nose rubs against my nub as he inserts his long tongue into my canal repeatedly, flicking the inside.

I cry at the sensation, bucking in his grasp. The sensation, once again, brought me to an even higher place this time. My eyeballs rolls back in my head and I grab the sheets to my side while arching my back at the over stimulation, letting out a loud fulfilled whimper as I come undone all over his face for the third time.

Body spasm after body spasm, jerking involuntarily at the stimulation, and holding my breath until he stops his lapping finally, wow he meant what he said!

"My my...

I could watch and eat you all day, girl!"

He climbs up my body, kissing my lips as I struggled to hide my deep breaths.

"Never have I experienced a woman that gets as soaked as you, my love. I really enjoyed it," I wipe his mouth and face in the process of him speaking, blushing at his words. He's actually experienced it plenty of times with me! A chuckle escapes and he bites his bottom with a grin.

His sticky wet mouth slides over to my mark, sucking the thing like it would disappear, then he'd lift his head and speaking a foreign language, only to repeat the process.

Something then click in my brain and I become frantic!


Bahm!" Pushing him off slightly, he replies, "What is it?".

"Can we go check on Kris now?"

"Not now." He sits up with an attitude and angered expression.

"But Kris...I mean Bahm, we need to go check up on him, I'm beginning to worry...that he's...dead, or something!"

Tears sprung free at the end, overthinking the worst from that horrific beating. Bahm surprisingly comforts me, pulling me closer to his chest.

"I-I'm sorry Hunnie, I can't let you near him."

Breaking our hug, scooting to the edge of the king sized bed, he sighs and I walked over to his master bathroom upset, my heart moved at how much this forgetful Bahm really hatedKris now. 

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now