Ring The Alarm

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Hunnie Inzotta, The mate of The Demon-Wolf King!

My body shivered as the room became horribly cold, sending shivers all the way to my spine and toes. 

Was this process even okay for my baby, absorbing Bahm's Dark Magic?

I feared it would affect me in a bad way, I feared I wouldn't be able to do it on time.

I'm scared...

"Ingredere nunc corpus meum, nam domus est. 

Ingredere nunc corpus meum, nam domus est.

Enter my body now, for it's a home.

Enter my body now, for it's a home."

The coldness slithers into my body slowly, with each strike Bahm lands on the barrier, a flow of Dark essence races towards me. Kris was in the back, crying on the floor, but there was no way I would let him die.

How can he do this to me!

He wasn't going to tell me?

Deep inside this made me mad.

A loud roar shakes the garage every time Bahm strikes the barrier. I continued the spell, chanting to lure the magic to me.



Kris roars just as I see the tip of Bahm's sword, pierce right through the barrier and my body becomes one, clouding over my eyes as I looked straight up, pulling the energy.

Sensing Kris crawling to my side, immediately I raise my hands, lifting him off the ground and placing him back onto the sofa. He gasps right away, cussing in the air and sending me unpleasant slurs before he settles.

Bahm stood by the doors, watching me as the purple energy came to a stop, and I see him take one step in side the garage, out of breath, but quickly steps back outside, vanishing right before my eyes.

Is it over?

Glaring at Kris, he had his face covered, crying in his hands. A terrible feeling creeps along my bones, only hoping Kris can forgive us, he's my mate and I would never let him go.

"Kris, I'm sorry...

Please talk to me."

"I hate you both, " He sobs, his face wet and red.

"I regret both of you!...

Leave..." His mouth becomes full of saliva, bawling in my presence.

Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now