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Hunnie Inzotta


Was I being restricted again?

I could barely breathe this time!






My eyes shoot open irately, not able to see passed the darkness, but I feel a hot breath behind my head.

It was definitely Bahm, and upon awakening more from my groggy state, it was his arms that was restricting me!

"Let go." I whisper, trying to stir him awake, but there was no reaction to my words, not even a snore.

Now I know he isn't one to sleep so heavily, so why is he not awakening!

Wait a second....where am I, and what is he doing behind me... when I'm naked!

My last recollection was running away from him after hearing him growl tremendously after I shot my Dark Magic right to his face, and then running into something hard and dark. 

I swear to the heavens, if he did what I don't want to think he did, I'll rip him limb from limb!

"Bahm...let go, it's too tight." I whined, trying to roll out of his arms, but to my sudden surprise he squeezes my body even tighter, constricting the air in my lungs.

"Bahm please!" A pained and frightful grunt eases it's way through my jaw, pushing his forearms away from my stomach. He's going to crush us!

"GET OFF!!!!" A yell leaves my lips and he sighs loudly, rolling  onto his back.



Out of nowhere he gasps harshly, and I sit up, when his arms comes in contact with my forehead while he shoots in bed.

It knocks me back, stunning me momentarily that I grab my forehead in pain.

"HUNNIE!!" He shouts and I flinch, rushing to climb off the bed after being struck.

"Wait, Hunnie..."

Tiny goosebumps cover my thighs when his hot hands grabs me first, turning my body around and I take my hands to push his face away in the struggle.

"Let go!


Witchy World's Lost Alpha's Book Two: The Forgotten MateWhere stories live. Discover now