Looking Like Death🍁

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"Jeez, hyung. You look like death" I heard my best friend Hyunjin say from beside me.

It was the first day back from Christmas break and what a holiday that had been. I would've rather been on a trip to Italy than stay with that god forsaken family of mine.

Sometimes I think the universe has it out for me. I really think it does, you know.

I look at the younger boy, Hyunjin and send an unimpressed look. "Thank you for your concern" I replied tiredly. I'm sick of this day already. Uni is the worst.

Why did I decide to do Uni again? I genuinely don't remember. Who cares. It's not like I can afford to leave.

"Have you slept at all?" Hyunjin asked which rather pisses me off since I hate how he wants to know all my business on the first day back.

I glared at him and he gets the message. He started talking to the others around us. Sometimes I feel bad for him. How he puts up with me everyday in Uni for no reason but out of his own will.

I don't think I could be liked by anyone. Not anymore if I'm honest.

He sighed as Mr. Wong walks into the classroom making everyone come to a silence as the lessons began. I just want to go home. Not home, home. But somewhere where I can just be myself.

"Morning class, today I want you to all do a group project. Get yourselves into groups of fours and i'll hand you out sheets with instructions" Mr. Wong smiles he charming smile. I resist the urge to sigh. How does this man have the energy at 8am to smile? Let alone sound awake and ready to teach multiple lectures?

"I bet he sleeps eight hours" I mumbled. "What hyung?" Hyunjin laughed beside me. "Nothing" I sigh. He hums and nudges my arm. "Wanna work with me?" He asks.

I don't really have the energy to say no so I nod. "Why not" I smiled. Hyunjin chuckles. "There's the Lee Minho I know"

How does the sight of my smile make him think that's me? I'd rather be in bed asleep. Hyunjin is the only person I kinda let myself be less smiley with. Don't get me wrong, I used to be happy but things just got worse so that slowly went to nothing.

After Mr. Wong hands out the papers we start.

"Huh? Research a musical artist?" Hyunjin reads. "Lin Manuel Miranda" I suggest. He's a musical writer. In The Heights is my favourite. So many iconic songs.

"I think it means like Bach and like Mozart" Hyunjin chuckles. "But seriously, Lin Manuel Miranda is a shout" He nods.

Great. I can't even do uni work on things I'm interested in anymore.

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Once we reach the lunch table, I immediately put on a smile and fake energy to make it seem that I'm "not looking like death".

Hyunjin sat down beside Chan, the eldest in our group. I sat down beside Changbin. He looks at me for a moment as if he's trying to read me. I hate when he does this.

"What?" I asked glaring. He shrugged. "You look tired" He replied. I scoffed. "Tired? Me? Ha!" I force a laugh.

Chan chuckles. "How was class?" Hyunjin hummed happily. "Great, we're doing a project and did a whole 180 of what we're meant to do" He explained.

Hyunjin and I are working as a pair - we're meant to work in teams of four - Hyunjin and I are doing the project on Musical Theatre artists - We were meant to be doing them on classical artists. But we have our own minds so Mr. Wong can suck it.

"Why does it always seem that way with you two?" Chan rolls his eyes. Changbin is busy texting someone on his phone. "You know the more you stay on your phone the more antisocial you look"

"I'd rather have it that way" He replied. I was about to make a great comeback when I get a message on my own phone. I pull it out to check.


I feel sick at the sight. What does he want now? I only got away from him the last time and I'm not in the mood to deal with him at the moment. Don't think I'll ever be to be honest.

I force myself to open the message. I can feel Hyunjin's eyes on me. He's the only one again who sort of knows about my issues. He doesn't know it all, but he knows about it. Barely.

But he can always tell when something like this is happening. He can sense it from how I look. I must look tensed and depressed or something.

I read the message.

Can you come home? We want to talk.

Talk. That's the last thing he wants.


I hate this. I hate everything about this.

I want to talk.

Lies. It's utter lies. I leave him on seen and turn my phone off. I put back on my fake smile again but I can tell its not as bright as before. Not with the thoughts of my dad swirling around my head.

"You okay bud?" Chan looked at me worried. I hate people worrying for me. Pitty. That's all people would think if they knew. They don't need to fucking know.

I force a nod. "I'm fine" I'm really not. I go quiet.

Changbin scoffs. "And you tell me, being on my phone makes me antisocial"

Hyunjin throws a piece of fruit at him. "Shut up hyung" He glared. It's times like this where I'm glad Hyunjin knows a bit about my troubles.

Even if it's only a little bit.


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I'm so excited to start posting these chapters cuz I have so many written it's not funny

This one is a long one guys be prepared.

I got inspo from Alice Oseman and the way she writes in first person btw. Really reccomeded their books 😌😌



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