Suitable As You🍁

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It never really occurred to me how time flies by so fast.

Felix was watching me panic as I tried to think of ideas for Jisung to contact me while away. He was leaving in the morning and I was going to say bye to him before he left.

Felix had no idea what my thought process was. He sighed. "And why are we panicking about Jisung leaving?" He also didn't know where Jisung was going.

" happy for him.. He's going on a holiday"

"To hell!" I exclaimed and sat down. "What can I do for him to contact me in a place with no signal?" I asked.

Felix blinked a few times. "Hyung you sound like a possessive boyfriend now what the fuck-"

"He's going to Yunsa"

Felix's face changed at this. I'm assuming he knew her name. He set his hands down on the table and got up.

He walked to his room and came back just as fast. "I have this" He placed it on the table.

"Show me your phone" I handed it to him quickly. "Basically, you don't need signal for this thing.. I don't know how but basically" He looked at me and handed back my phone.

"This little thing is connected to your phone" He lifted a small bracelet like object. "There's a button on This" He showed me the button. "All Jisung has to do is click it and it'll send you a message"

"You know about Yunsa then?" I asked and he nodded. "She is not good"

"I gather" I sighed. "I'm so worried about him going" Felix came over to me and hugged me. I seemed to be getting used to hugs lately.

"He'll be okay" He tried to reassure but he didn't sound convinced either. "He knows how to put up with her" But he shouldn't have to know that.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked. I knew he meant the whole sister thing. "Better" I smiled. "Jisung took good care of you yeah?"

Oh fuck he did-I mean-

"He did... Um.." I felt shy. I wanted to tell Felix we went on a date. "We um... Went on a date the next day"

He gasped and went ballistic. "MY FRIENDS ARE GOING PLACES!!" He shouted probably waking our neighbours up.

I blushed. I didn't try to hide it either. Felix calmed down. "That's so cute!"

"We're also kinda dating" That sent Felix to his grave. He gasped for so long I thought his soul was leaving his body.

"The way I hear this from you and not Jisung" He scoffed. "I've known that bitch since I was 8 and like.. What" He folded his arms. "So proud" he smiled at me.

I laughed. "You and Hyunjin when?" I teased. Felix gasped again. "Stop it!!"

"How are you and Hyunjin?" I asked gene curious. "We're good" He smiled. "He's acting a bit different though.. Not a bad different just.. Different"

Oh Hyunjin was definitely starting to like Felix then. I hummed happily "Just date at this point"

Felix scoffed. "Says you"

"But seriously, I just wanna say this" He looked genuinely at me. "I don't think Jisung could have met anyone as suitable as you to fall in love with"

I wasn't flustered, I wasn't even shocked. It was just a weird feeling I had. A good feeling.

"Oh" I let out. Felix hummed. "I know you'll take care of him" He smiled. "And as Jisung's best friend I give you my blessings"

He did dramatic jazz hands. "He's all yours now" he faked a cry. "He leaves the nest" He held his chest after.

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