Drunk Together🍁

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It had been a while since Felix and I got drunk together.

I remember in our second year of uni, some nights we'd completely get wasted because of how stressed our we were thinking it was the only way to deal with it.

Very wrong choice but at least now we barely did that.

Felix had come into my room holding tequila and other alcoholic beverages in his hands. "So" He announced as I turned off my phone.

"I think we bring back a tradition" He smiled. I chuckled. "Tradition?" I reply. Was this a traditional thing to him?

"I say we get fucked up" He walked back to the living room, I followed intrigued by why he felt the need to do this now.

"And why?" I asked sitting down. "Because it's been ages!" Felix sighed. I hummed. "You're Easter exam results are coming tomorrow aren't they?"

Felix laughed way too sarcastically for it not to be true. "Maybe" He frowned straight after. I picked up one of the small shot glasses and poured out some soju which also sat on the tabke. I raised it up a little.

"To being scared of exam results" I annonced. Felix quickly joined in. "To being fucking terrified of them!"

We cheered and drank the shot down. One led to two then to four then before we knew it we had gone through three bottles of soju, some vodka and coke drinks, tequila and whatever else was on the table.

Felix sat spaced out. He giggled away to himself. He had thrown his legs over mine.

"If I count all the little marks on the ceiling what number would you think I'd get?"

I looked up and hummed. "Twenty?" I suggested. Felix laughed "You're a silly goose" He then quacked to embrace the goose.

I wasn't much better if Felix was quacking. I started bouncing my legs a little making Felix's legs move around.

"La la la la" I sang a random tune. Felix groaned. "What are you dooinngg" He looked down at me.

I started to pull off his slipper from his foot as he had been twirling his foot around. "aH!" he screamed.

"Don't take my slipper-" He paused. "Off" I took it off and held it in the air like I had just caught something really valuable. Meanwhile Felix screamed.

We both fell into fit's of laughter. I threw his slipper at him and hit him in the face with it.

"Yo~" Felix pushed the slipper off. "We should go to a bar"

"Woah.. Yeah"

"Let's go~"

+. - +. - +. -

We had found a gay bar.

We stumbled our way to the bar to order drinks. We didn't even dress for the occasion. I was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants while Felix wore basically the same.

"What can I get you besties?" The bartender smiled while shaking together a cocktail. I leaned my arms onto the counter. "Something strong" I smiled.

"Gin and tonic" Felix asked. "Pink gin?" The bartender asked. "Yes" Felix replied.

"Something strong for yourself then?" He asked me. I nodded "Yep"

"Give me anything"

We continued our night dancing and drinking our problems away. Not that I had many things to worry about at the time.

But the more I thought about it, I hadn't been to uni. I would get a letter sent to my parents that I hadn't been going. Then hell would break loose.

Maybe that's why I was drinking so much. I didn't want to think about when that would happen.

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