Gang Of Fruitiness🍁

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Felix was still up when I got back. He was sitting down at the kitchen table with what looked like assignments and a cup of hot chocolate in hand.

"Hey Hyung" He didn't look up but he knew it was me. I sat down across from him. "Work?" I asked and he nodded. "Yep, due tomorrow" He sighed in response.

"Don't forget to take some breaks" I said since I knew what Felix was like when it came to deadlines. He nodded "Gottcha" He looked up at me.

"I thought about it" He started. I gave a confused look before he continued. "I think I might actually be bisexual" he stated.

I smiled and hummed happily. "Yay! Welcome to the gang of fruitiness" I laughed and he laughed too. It was a sweet moment. The least I could do was make it comfortable for him.

"Yeah, I really think I like Hyunjin" He sighed. "And I feel like a dick for ignoring him for so long".

"You were figuring things out and that's a valid reason to keep distance but I think you should talk to him" Look at me being the one with the love advice.

"And Jisung" I added. Felix hummed. "You were with him yesterday weren't you" He looked back at his work. I sighed "Yeah" there wasn't a point in hiding it if he suspected it.

"Was he... Okay?"

"Not really"


"Well like he was fine, just upset" I explained. "Then um... He got this message from someone and he really went out of it"

Felix snapped his head up at me. "What did he do?" he asked. I gulped feeling pressured to answer. " he was zoning out and like... We made a mess of like cans and this pizza box was empty too and he threw it all on the table and stared at it... He also got scared when I tapped him-"

"Fuck" Felix looked more stressed about this than his assignments. "And that's all?" he asked. "he didn't tell you anything?"

I shook my head but now I was worried. "Felix.. Is there something wrong with Jisung?"

"Not exactly" He sighed. "It's... Just..."He paused and shook his head.

"I think Jisung should tell you that himself... If I did he'd hate me forever" he laughed a little but that didn't make the horrible feeling in my chest go away.

I got a message from Jisung just then.

Hey thanks for the hoodie!
It's really warm xx

No problem :)
Keep it x

Okay ill be honest
I wasn't planning on giving it back

Of course u weren't


Sending me more kisses
I see

Pfft you know it babe


So the dance
U sure u wanna do it?

To have u on top of me again

He left me on seen for a while. It was all teasing and I really wanted to see his reaction to that. Felix looked over at me.

"Who's that?" He asked. "Jisung" I replied. He hummed "You're smiling like an idiot"

I looked over at him. "Huh?"

"You can admit you like him, I'm not gonna judge" He shurgged. "Although Jisung is chaotic and highly clingy-I'm not one to judge"

I glared. "You and Hyunjin would make a great couple" I think back on the offer Hyunjin had told me.

Maybe I should get back into dancing. I've love it for so long it would be a shame to put it to waste.

Felix went back to his work very flustered. Jisung had replied to my message now. I smirked awaiting to read his reply. That immediately faded when I read it.

Then come over and I can be

I stared at the message. What was happening? Was this the next step that I was scared of? I thought as much. But I contradicted myself. It was just playful teasing between two friends!

You really want me under u that bad?

Need I say more?

Well then😃





This is so slay of us tbh



Quality content



Pfft okay imma go water my dog
Text ya laterzzzzzz

Never put a z at the end of
Words again

Enjoy watering your dog xox

Jisung 🥰:

I smiled at the message. I clicked on his profile and clicked edit.

Would you like to change 'Jisung🥰' to

Yes. No.

You have changed this contacts name.

+. - +. - +. -

Sorry I forgot to update for a while pfft

I'll double update todayyy

How are we???

I went to see a musical last night called Anything Goes and now I'm inspired to write a story from It AHAHA

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