Kiss Me🍁

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I turn around to see Jisung looking around my room. Right, I never thought I'd see this coming.

"Thanks for finally admitting your dying feelings for me" He spun around on his feet. I scoffed "You know it was just a joke"

He hummed and sat down on my bed. "So. Seven minutes, what we gonna do? Do you have cards in here or?"

I stayed quiet because the thought of Felix waiting outside the door thinking we'd be making out was disturbing all my thoughts really.

"I don't have any..." I sat down beside Jisung. "Hm, that's okay.. I can compliment your room"

"Your bed is comfy for a university bed" He moved around a little to express his comfort. "Thanks, I put a memory foam blanket under the bedsheets, works like a charm"

Jisung leaned his head on my shoulder. "That's nice, I need to invest" he then sighed. "God it was sad sitting across from you"

"That's giving mixed signals there Ji" He chuckled "Ji..." He mumbled before continuing his point.

"I wanted to sit beside you, lean my head on your shoulder cuz damn your shoulders are comfy" I let out a laugh. Jisung picked up my hand in his and started playing with my fingers.

"What was Felix whispering to you about?" he asked. "He suddenly changed the spin the bottle game to this after whispering to you"

I should tell him.

"He thought I wanted to make out with you..." Jisung moves his head a bit. He's giving me a confused look. "Long story"

I do the wrong thing by looking down a bit. He had puppy eyes looking back up at me. "Would you though?" he asked with a small grin present.

"Would I what?" I asked. "Make out with me? Or well.... Kiss me?"

"Pfft, Ji, this is more proof that you are desperate for-" He kisses me.

It's so quick yet so gentle at the same time. He then pulled away and moved to the edge of my bed.

I keep my eyes on him, a bit stunned. "What-"

"Sorry" He mumbled. "I just wanted a kiss" I nodded my head. I wasn't disgusted or anything in fact my stomach was filled with butterflies.

"It's fine" I reassure but I can see Jisung was contemplating his entire existence. I place my hand on his. "Hey" He looked at me.

I smile softly and place a soft kiss on his forehead. "There. Even"

"But I kissed you on the lips... Its not really" I can't tell if Jisung is just fishing for another kiss but just to keep his mind - if he wasn't actually looking for another kiss - clear I kissed him on the lips.

I kissed him longer than he kissed me. I didn't do anything just linger a little longer before pulling back. "Even?"

Jisung gave me a smile. "Even" I sat back a little but at least we were sitting close again.

It's weird really, I only met Jisung two weeks ago nearly and here we were sharing innocent kisses in my bedroom. I can't say I hadn't thought about it though. After Felix made a whole joke about Jisung and I making out it had been on my mind the whole week.

If I'm honest, Jisung is probably the closest person I'm friends with at the moment. He knows more about me than any of the other guys outside this room do. So the kiss was comfortable, I didn't feel any way like I didn't want it. I felt emotionally close to Jisung and so I didn't mind either way.

"So.. Felix is your roommate" He started talking again since there had been a silence. I nodded "And Felix is your friend"

We both laughed. "God why does the world do this to us?" Jisung turned his head to look at me. I keep my eyes on my hands. "We're meant to be"

Don't Delete The Kisses // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now