His Home🍁

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Tw// various forms of violence, I advise if you have any sensitivity to any topics of such to skip past xx there is a mark for you to begin 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃

We ended up just laying next to each other that night. Jisung was cuddling into me as I played with his hair.

He was awfully silent. He was thinking about something.

I wanted to ask. "Ji, you're gone quiet again" I mumbled. He hummed "Sorry.."

"If this is about us having sex, I don't mind love" He glanced up at me and grinned. "I love when you call me love" I chuckled at this.

"It's not that I'm thinking about though.." He sighed. "I think I'm ready to tell you what happened the time I was with Yunsa"

My heart dropped a little. I nodded my head and held Jisung a little closer. Finally I'd know why I found him that way.

"I'd be paying her off for all the years she'd taken care of me... She's cruel like that" He began. "But.. I didn't want to overwork myself.. So I stopped working at the shop and I left uni and just focused on my job at the dance studio"

"I guess I forgot how much money she really wanted from me.. That's why she sent those texts that you saw" He looked at me briefly before continuing.

"When I first got there she was acting all kind and welcoming... It didn't last long until she found out that I hadn't brought her the full amount I had to give her"

"After that was when she started turning to the woman I used to know.. It started with the food.. She didn't let me eat.. Then I was locked in my room... Then.. She said and did things I really didn't like.."

I felt my heart break.

"She has this room filled with nails.. Bits of broken glass and spikes and it's extremely dark in there and small..." He breathed out a little as he thought about it.

"She kept me in there a lot of the time.. Then the night I took her phone... She found it the next day" He gulped.

"The day I came for you?" I asked. He nodded. "She didn't come into my room till the evening"

"I didn't get the chance to put back her phone cause she woke up earlier than I expected that morning... When she found it she..."

He held onto me tighter. As if to make sure I was there and what he was telling me wasn't real.

"she tied me up.. The way you found me.. She had some of the other children come in and like... Throw things at me... She did other awful things too.. To even say what she did would be traumatic..."

I kissed his head softly. "Then when I managed to hit the button on that bracelet you gave me against the ties.. I felt a lot more safer.. I knew someone would come help me then.."

"And.. When I found you.. Who were the two boys with her?"

"They used to be my friends... She brainwashed them though" He looked up at me. "She tried to force them on me... Like sexually..."

My eyes widened. That's why he was scared about going through with having sex then.

"They got closer to me and for some reason when I met their eyes... They seemed to notice that it was me.. Their friend from long ago" He sighed. "So they didn't do anything"

"Instead they just hit me a little... But in fairness that was a lot better than being sexually harassed" He paused. "I started crying and that's when she started to leave... Then you came along"

"And saved me"

🍃 You can read from here 🍃

He'd been through all that and only now I found out. I wasn't mad if that's what you're thinking. I was feeling guilty in a weird kind of way.

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