Summer Of 2018🍁

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"Oh Hyung!" Changbin smiled when Hyunjin and I sat down at the lunch table we always sat at.

"You showed up today!" He laughed. "Finally the table is full again" Chan chuckled. "What brings you back?"

"Just wanted to see if I liked uni still" I shrugged not giving it much thought. Hyunjin giggled "We're writing a song"

Chan smiled. "Oh really? That's the best part of this whole degree honestly" He chuckled. Changbin hummed. "I remember making our first one together Hyung"

"How dreadful that was"

"We asked Jisung for help too" Hyunjin smirked. "He never told Minho he wrote songs before"

I hid my face slightly. "He probably forgot to"

"Yall were busy doing other things-"


One thing that hadn't changed was how our friendship is. Chan and Changbin always teased Hyunjin and I. Hyunjin always made fun of me and I always shouted at him for it.

Nothing had changed.

"No way"

I knew that voice. I sighed. For fucks sake.

"Lee Minho!?" Haeun laughed as I turned to look at him with a bored expression. Of course my university experience wouldn't be complete without Haeun. He chuckled "Well don't look so happy to see me"

I pointed to my face. "I'm fucking delighted" I deadpanned. His friends - aka his posse cheered for me.

I swear they never knew who to cheer for. They were just insecure freaks following the popular guy.

Haeun scoffed. "Nerve of you to show up here making everyone uncomfortable"

"Seems to me you're the only one who has that problem" I retorted plainly. I felt Chan tug at my sleeve. I glanced at him. He held a look telling me to stop what I was doing.

But fuck that.

Haeun glared. "After what you did to me!? You harrased me!" He exclaimed gaining attention from the people in the cantine.

I stood up. "Say one more word and you'll regret it" I held a small smile.

Low-key was so prepared for this day. I just never had the confidence for it to happen sooner.

Haeun laughed. "What are you gonna do? Assault me again-"

"Summer of 2018" That was all it took for him to fall dead silent. "You remember right?" I stepped closer.

The colour drained from his face. "Cause I do and I don't mind telling everyone what happened"

"Please that was four years ago-"

"But you don't deny it huh?" I laughed. "Minho don't"

"Then apologise" I stood my ground. "Or ill tell everyone right now about how to desperate you were to date me" I said that so only he could hear.

Haeun gulped. "C-Can we go somewhere else?" He asked almost nicely.

I looked around finally seeing everyone's stunned faces. Someone sticking up against Haeun was a shocker.. How sad.

I gave my friends a smile before walking out making sure Haeun followed.

We were alone now in the bathrooms since that seemed to be the one place where no one really was at this time.

"You have some fucking cheek to-"

"Apologise" I cut in. I wasn't dealing with his bullshit. "Like I'd ever... You could just make up all that shit from four years ago!"

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