Good Boy🍁

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After teaching the class the first bit of the dance they were going to learn, the time was up and the class ended.

Jisung had come back and barely spoke to me since earlier. He didn't have an issue anymore down there though.

We waved the students off until they were all gone and sighed once we were alone again.

"Fuck, I'm tired" I yawned a little. "Never make me do this again" I said to Jisung but got no reply. I looked over at him packing away his things into his little tote bag.

"Don't tell me your ignoring me" I folded my arms walking over to him. He looked at me. "I'm ignoring you" He smiled. He was squatted down to pick up his phone so I squatted down beside him.

"Why?" I asked. "Shouldn't it be obvious?" He deadpanned. I hummed. I left him with a boner. That was why he was annoyed at me cause I didn't do anything to help. It wasn't like I needed to help though... Right?

"Mm, you took care of it on your own though" He scoffed at this. I brought my hand up to his cheek and patted it lightly. "Good boy" I smiled and that's when he got flustered again.

"Yah Minho! You can't just say shit like that-"

"Oh but I can" I smiled and booped his nose before getting back up. He scoffed a little before getting up himself and walking with me.

We left the building and were about to bid goodbyes when I stopped myself. I didn't want him to go back home. Not with what happened last night.

"Come over to my place" I didn't ask. He looked confused. "what? Why?"

"I'm just worried... After last night-"

"It was a stupid nightmare Minho" Jisung replied blankly. He really didn't like this topic I found. He also got very angry or scary.

Felix was right when he said Jisung was scarier than me sometimes.

"But I don't want you to be that out of it if it happens again"

"It won't happen again"

"How do you know?" I asked. It might have been pushy but I had to ask. He looked away. He wasn't sure himself. "See... Just tonight"

"I'm still not talking to Felix though" He mumbled. I hummed. "He wants to talk to you again.. But if you're not ready then that's okay too" I pointed my finger then. "But do get back on that"

He sighed and walked closer to me. "Come on then, it's fucking cold" He wasn't impressed with this ordeal but I was happy with it. We didn't have a spare room in our dorm so we'd have to share my bed. Not like it mattered anyway.

As we walked Jisung seemed lost in his own thoughts. "Minho.. Were you crying earlier?" He asked. Okay random to bring up but go off.

I hummed. "Maybe.. Why?"

"Cause I'd like to know if you're okay.. Like.. You cried.. Who made you cry?" He was genuinely worried now. I hummed a little and looked ahead. "Will you tell me who those people from your nightmares are?"

He shook his head. "Then I won't tell you what made me cry" It was that simple. I don't go around dropping my family trauma on people lightly it was hard to explain.

I felt a bit more comfortable telling Jisung but now that he had something hiding from me that was clearly traumatic for him, I decided we'd be better off not sharing those things yet.

"It's not that easy to tell people Minho" He mumbled. I nodded. "Either is mine" we looked at each other.

"I guess we're both fucked up then huh?" He made light of the situation. I hummed "Indeed we are"

We reached the dorms and when we walked in Felix froze on the spot. He was passing by from the living room to the kitchen but he had stopped in his tracks.

"Oh" He said. I smiled at him. "Hey" I replied. Jisung stood beside me with a blank look. "Hi.. Jisung" Felix nodded his head a little.

"Hello" Jisung replied with no emotion at all in his voice. A complete 180 to what I'm used to hearing.

Felix nodded his head again and walked off to the kitchen. That was our cue to go to my room.

Jisung sat down on my bed and threw his bag off his shoulder. He sighed. "Fucking hell" He cursed. I sat beside him. "What's up?" I rubbed his back.

"Just seeing him makes me feel sad" He sighed. "Then go talk to him"

"He hurt me Minho" He looked at me. "When you left us alone.. We got talking and I told him that I was bisexual and he didn't fucking believe me" He was so frustrated.

I could see that Jisung had missed out on some new information at this point. "You should talk to him"

"So he can tell me he didn't believe I could be bi?"

"I don't think he believes it himself either" I mumbled. Now it was Jisung's turn to be surprised. "What?"

"Felix... He's... Been thinking" I looked at the wardrobe in front of me. Jisung looked there too. "Oh.. Wait.. Are you saying he'"

I hummed. "Maybe" I wasn't giving him the full answer. "Talk to him" I said again. He sighed. "Tomorrow.. I'm too tired now" He leaned his head on my shoulder.

I hummed. "Grab some clothes and get changed.. Imma go talk to Lix for a few minutes" I got up and leave the room.

It didn't take long for Felix to turn up and give me a look. "What the fuck?" He pointed to my door. "I wasn't letting him go through the shit he did last night"

Felix found that much of a good answer. "Right your note... Was he okay?" He asked. I shrugged. "The more I think about it.. No.. He really wasn't" The image of him gripping my shirt and threatening me remained in my head.

Felix sighed. "So they're starting again.. His nightmares" He mumbled. "Do you know what they're about?" I asked.

Felix shook his head. "Only a little bit.. I don't know much about what happened to Jisung but it wasn't good.. he told me little things about it" He sighed. "But that's all I really know"

"Right..." I sighed. "You two are very alike" He frowned. "You don't like sharing your personal issues"

"It's just a waste of time for me to talk about" I shrug in my point of view. Felix hummed. "Yeah I can tell"

The door of my bedroom opened a little and Jisung popped his head out. "I'm Done" he looked at me.

Felix and I both looked at him. I nodded "Alright" he then closed the door again.

Felix looked at the door then me. "Why do I feel like you two have something going On" He folded his arms and stared me down like a mom interigating her son about a new crush.

"we're just close Lix"

"Mhmmm" He wasn't buying it. No one seemed to buy it. Everyone thought we had a thing going on. I mean we kinda did now.. We were kinda friends with benefits.

"Have you kissed him again?" He asked. I looked at him surprised and it gave that away. "You did!?"

Yeah just another two make out sessions Lix, totally.

"Oh my god, slay" He hugged me then. "Okay?" I mumbled. He smiled. "Have fun! But not too much fun, I'm legit in the room next door" he warned.

I groaned in annoyence. "Felix shut up" I pouted. He pushed me to my bedroom door now.

"Go my bestie, soar!!"

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I hate cramps :')

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