High School Musical Rejects🍁

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My day goes my really quickly, I genuinely just slept most of the day after throwing up this morning and eating pancakes on top of a sick stomach wasn't smart.

I felt extremely ill and I'm pretty sure I've lost count of how many times I've ran to the bathroom thinking I was going to get sick. I only actually did get sick three times so far.

It's around four in the afternoon when Felix comes back to the dorm. He's humming a song to himself as he puts his bag on the floor along with taking off his shoes.

"Hey hyung!" He smiled and gave me a wave. I was on the living room sofa watching a random Netflix show again. A new hobby of mine.

"Hey! How was today?"

"Pretty basic, as always" He came over to sit down beside be, he landed with a huff. "Jeez why is it so hot here-" he looked at me. "Hyung! You're radiating heat what the fu-"

"I'm sick Felix" I rolled my eyes. "Well like, I threw up three times today so I'm resting" I shrugged. Did I take medication? No, I didn't have the energy to move from the sofa to anywhere but the bathroom in urgencey.

Felix pouted. "Will you be okay for our game night?" He asked. "When is it?" I asked back. Felix looked down at his hands for a moment before meeting my eyes again. "I suggested tomorrow to Seungmin and Jeongin and they said they were cool with it, I can change it though" he smiled.

"How about next Saturday?" He sounded once again excited. "That gives you plenty of time to get better" I nodded. "Yeah sure, I don't see why not"

"Good! Ask your friends now so we know if we can do next Saturday, some of them might have plans already" Felix was already pulling out his phone. I tiredly followed.

"What do I say?" I asked confused. Felix rolled his eyes. "Legit what I told you, are they free next Saturday"


I open the group chat I barely message in and start typing. The name of the chat was changed by Hyunjin after the whole me being gay thing happened.

High school musical rejects😔

Are you guys free next Saturday?

But why tf are u texting here? 👀

Chan hyung:
I should be.. What time?

I have no plans

Uhhh around 8pm?
Yeah 8pm

Chan hyung:
Alright yeah I'm free

Are we gonna ignore the fact
Minho hyung is inviting us to smth

Yes Hyunjin
Thank you for stating the obvious

It's smth Felix wants
To throw together

So he said to ask yall


Chan hyung:

Is it at ur place?

Lix is inviting some of
His friends over too
So big gang thing

Chan hyung:
Aw neat! The more the merrier :)

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