Two Dead White Guys🍁

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The first day of being suspended was actually quiet nice. I don't get the idea of suspensions to be honest. The only thing that actually makes them affect you is that it'll be on your report for all the jobs you wanna go for.

That's it though. Right now it just feels like a week off. I guess I'm missing out on work but we're only doing some random project on a dead guy anyway.

Three years of music history and it's still the same shit different day with a different font. I swear to you, we learned about Bach and Mozart in like our first year by just reading about them from a book.

In second year we learned about them through their musical pieces. And now we have to do a project on one of them. Can you see why I'm not bothered? I don't see the point in learning about some white guy who wrote songs when we could be focusing on actual interesting things like how Jazz music came to be, I love jazz music.

We only briefly touched on that in first year but it was the topic I remembered the most, a lot of people actually enjoyed that more than Bach and Mozart, no offence to the two white dead guys.

I shouldn't really be critical on the course that I picked to do. I set myself up for this crap and I can't leave it now.

It's evening time now and I'm just waiting for Felix to walk through the door. Just then, he does. I went to say hello but I saw he was on the phone.

"Oh for loving christ, put the dog down" He shouted into the phone. He gave me a small smile but then quickly got back into the conversation.

"No the dog won't fucking fly if you gave it red bull!!!"

Sounds interesting, I listen in.

"Yah, get mom and don't drop the dog" Felix looks frustrated from as far as I can tell.

"You okay?" I whisper to which he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. It wasn't directed at me, the eye roll, more as a response of 'I'm fucking done with this shit'

"Everything sorted then?" He asked. He then let's out a rather long held breath and nods. "In future get mom, don't call me I'm not even in Australia" He then says some byes and I love you's and hangs up.

He turned and looked at me. "I hate my sister" He walked over and sat down on the sofa where I was sitting. I look at him as he continued.

"She saw the red bull give you wings! Ad" He puts on an accent to make fun of said ad. "And proceeds to feed our dog a whole can of it and brought him upstairs to the window and called me to show me what her experiment was"

Felix's family are something else entirely. Well I can't be sure for all members only his little sister is insane.

"Very creative" I raise my brows. He just gives me a look as if I've gone mental. "Don't influence those ideas, my dog could've been dead and I wouldn't know if she didn't call me"

"She was like, he hasn't grown them yet so imma throw him and see if they spring out" He recoils at the thought of it. "Thank fuck I convinced her to go get mom"

"Wow" I had no words really. Felix then leans back in the sofa and gets himself comfy. "Anyway, how's being suspended?" He asked.

"Nice to be honest, it's peaceful without you" I smile and Felix throws a pillow at me. "You're actually the worst" He laughs.

I was so worried than Felix would be angry with me today but turns out he was far from that. Or he might still be and is just being nice because he knows I'm just a depressed person with a whole lot of shit going on.

That's when he switches the topic to more or less what I've been worrying about.

"So, why were you out so long last night?" He asked. I clear my throat as he expected an answer right then and there.

"Because you definitely weren't on a walk, you hate walking to the Café when it's your turn for coffee run and that's ten minutes away" I hated how Felix knew the ins and outs of my lack of motivation to do any form of exercise.

"I...." I sighed before explaining. "I went to the park" He looked at me wanting more information. "The park? With the druggies and drunks and the local pedophile probably called Ricky?" I nod my head.

"You're so dumb" He rolls his eyes. "Well I..." I pause.

I don't know why I'm hesitating to tell him about the guy I met there. Why did I want to keep it from him? He'd probably accuse me of befriending a pedophile. With that in mind, I lie my way through the conversation.

"I got distracted and ended up in the playground for two hours" Felix was stunned by the answer but he seemed to believe it. He was guilible sometimes. "Okay, playing in the playground to relieve stress is something I'd do too..." He laughs then.

"But not on my own" He gets up and looked down at me. "You're something else hyung, I have work to do so imma head and do that" He smiles and doesn't wait for me to reply.

It's moments like these I think that what the guy said about everyone having their own problems was a lie. Felix seems to be completely fine with his life together.

I sighed and looked out the window, which was always covered by a white lace curtin. The sun was shining through making the living room a colour of golden yellow.

I almost think about going to the park again but Felix would probably kill me.

Why did I even want to go back there? It made no sense really. No sense at all.

I end up watching some random show on Netflix as I didn't have anything else to do. My phone was buzzing with messages from Hyunjin about the project, he still didn't want to work with anyone else.

I ended up putting my phone on silent. An hour or two later, I don't even know what episode I'm on but Felix comes out of his bedroom and shouts.

"Hyung!!" I jolt up in the sofa. "What!?" I exclaim. My poor heart just shot through my ass from the loudness.

"There's a party tomorrow, my friends said everyone is invited" I look at him. "Everyone as in... The university?" I ask and he nods in return. "Yeah, I think one of Haeun's friends is hosting it"

"Nah, I'm not bothered"

"Aw come on it'll be fun" He comes over and sits down in the place he was before. "If anyone of them try be a Homophobe in any shape or fashion imma beat them up"

Felix would too you know, he did Taekwondo. "Fine" I digress. Felix squealed and hugged me quick before typing on his phone to whoever must have told him about the party.

I really wanted to throw up now.

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I didn't really fix any mistakes so like yuh

Anyways have a great day or night xxxxx

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