Pro Comedian Actually🍁

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It's been two hours, I'm still with this guy.

Although we've moved on from deep conversation. Now, we're racing each other to the slide in the playground.

When I reach the slide just seconds before him, we bump into each other and got really close. I held onto my breath. I hadn't been this close to another person in like... Years. Physically.

And if you think this is the moment that we suddenly feel like kissing, we don't. He laughs and pushes me against the wooden frame that surrounds the top of the slide and races down the metal.

I just watch as he reaches the bottom and looks up at me and smiles. "I win!!!" He shouts. I scoff. "You didn't say we had to go down the slide, cheater" I slide down after him.

Once I reach the end, he's standing in front of me. He gives out a hand to help me up and I take it. His hands are oddly soft. I wish mine were.

"Well I changed the rules for myself" He smirked. I lightly push him and he just laughs. "I don't remember the last time I had so much fun" He changes the topic.

I have to agree really, after such a shit day well.. A shit few months, this is probably if not the only good thing that has happened. I look at the boy beside me.

"Same" I reply shyly. Feeling any way other than bitter is new and saying I feel like I'm okay or having fun... Just makes me feel odd to say.

I hear a soft laugh beside me, I watch as the boy sits on the floor. I join him.

"What time is it?" He asked. I check my phone and saw that it was nearly midnight. "Oh" I let out a breath. He leans over and sees how late it is.

"Damn, I'm out later than I've ever been. Genuinely thought I'd be in a club not a playground" He joked. I laugh loudly. "You're funny" I look at him.

He flicks his hand beside his head as if he had long hair there. "I'm a pro comedian actually" He grinned.

I look back to my phone and see Felix had called and messaged me a bunch of times. Guilt started to settle in my stomach. The guy beside me seemed to notice because he sat up a little more from his relaxed position.

"You okay?" He asked. I nod. "My roommate just called and messaged me like fifty times" I sigh a little. "I feel guilty now"

I feel an arm around my shoulders, then I realise I'm bringing brought into a half hug. For some reason, though I dislike affection, this feels nice. I lean my head on the guy's shoulder. "Is it because you left?"

I nod my head. The guy hums. "You should head back then" He lets me go and I just sigh. I oddly didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay here with some stranger I never met before and only spoke to for two hours at least.

Why did my brain work this way? It was annoying. But nothing told me to run away from him in the first place apart from my gut instincts, I figured it was wrong now.

I did feel tired though. Maybe i should go back. I could just sleep in, it's not like I'm gonna be going to university tomorrow anyway.

"I'll message him" I open my phone and drop Felix a message.

I'm alive

Hyung get tf home now
I'm restless
I'm not sleeping till I see you

Lix seriously 😂

Get. Home. Now.

God okay

"He wants me to go home... Like... Now" I laugh a little. The boy nodded his head but I could see he was a little disappointed.

"That's fine, I better go home too. I need a shower desperately" He gets up and once again helps me up.

"Thanks" I say. He nodded his head again. "No problem"

"Like for listening to me and stuff.. Yeah thanks" I said awkwardly. He laughs a little. "We all need someone to lean on sometimes don't we" He then smiles the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.

As if time could pause, it did and I just stared at him. He had his own problems, but he still managed to find a reason to smile. I was somehow jealous.

"Well....Um.." I bring myself back to reality. I watch the smile drop into a small grin. "I'll go now" I force a smile.

The boy nodded. "Yeah okay... See you!" He waves and begins to walk off before I do.

He just left like the entirety of our night wasn't spent together at all. How did he do that?

I sigh and turn on my feet to walk back to the gates I previously walked through. I pass the druggies I walked by earlier, they're knocked out now. I walk passed the gates and I'm back to reality as the lights of shops, bars, restaurants and clubs light the world from darkness.

Suddenly everything is much more busy. It's not like what I just experienced. I had the most simplistic evening of my life. I'm a 23 year old who just spent his evening running around a playground with some stranger he dumped his trauma onto and he did the same back to me.

As if we just got each other to hang onto. But looking at people standing with their big gang of friends waiting in lines for the club made me realise that I have no idea what my life is meant to be.

Simplistic or outgoing. I don't know.

I quickly make my way back to the campus grounds and make my way to the dorm.

Once the door opens I'm engulfed in a hug. Oddly enough it didn't feel as nice as the one the guy at the park gave me.

Felix sighed relieved. "Thank fuck you're okay" He mumbled into my shoulder. I pat his back awkwardly and try to take my shoes off. He pulls back when I do this and folds his arms.

"If you were leaving for a two hour walk you could've messaged me!" He looks like an enraged mother. I roll my eyes. "I had my phone on silent"

"And that's a great idea Hyung, great idea" He walked into the dorm and I followed. "I have classes tomorrow and it's nearly one in the morning" He groaned.

I already feel guilty about leaving for so long and Felix is making it worse. "Sorry" I reply quietly. He hears me though.

"Yeah. Sorry" He walked into his room without another word. I let my shoulder drop into a slouch and I make my way to my room. I throw myself onto my bed and sigh.

I've pissed off Felix now too. That's great. Another thing to add to my day of shittiness.

But the one good thing I got out of it was the boy at the park.

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Slowly but surely this story will kick off istg😂😂

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