First Time In Your Bathroom🍁

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I closed the door behind me and pressed my back against it with a sigh escaping my lips.

Jisung was sitting on my bed with his phone in his hand. He was biting his nail while he stared at the screen. When he heard me sigh he looked over.

"You okay?" He turned off the phone and put it down. I looked at him with a slight blush on my cheeks. Felix would certainly pay for making me that flustered.

I can't even look at Jisung right now oh my-

"Hyung" Jisung called. That's what it took to get me out of my head because Jisung calling me Hyung just sounded wrong.

"Oh right hey" I replied smoothly and walked over to sit beside him on my bed. Jisung smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder once I got there.

I got déjà vu again. The seven minutes in Heaven game night was replaying in my head now. I decided to just focus on the moment now than the last though.

I'm glad I did because Jisung started to thank me for bringing him over.

"Thanks.." He mumbled. I hummed as to say 'no problem' but he started to Continue.

"Genuinely.. I didn't think I'd start having those nightmares again"

"Again?" I asked as if I hadn't just been told by Felix he had these nightmares before. Jisung chuckled a little. "Yeah.. I.." He lifted his head off my shoulder.

He looked me in the eyes and that was the first time I saw him look at me so vulnerable. He almost looked guilty.

"I.. I Want to tell you about... Those people" He began and I already felt guilty myself for wanting him to tell me so badly. He looked so confused about it himself.

"You don't have to-"

"I will though" He mumbled. ".. Not now" He added. "It's just.. There's so many things that just..." He was so fragile just thinking about whatever had happened.

I brought my hand to his cheek. He looked at me with sad eyes. "Take your time" I told him. Jisung took in a breath and jumped onto me in a hug.

We landed flat on my bed. It was a weird hug because he was just laying on top of me but I wrapped my arms around him nonetheless.

There wasn't any words said but just from that hug alone, I could tell that Jisung had been through a lot.

I could tell that no matter how much he wanted to tell me whatever happened he always relived those moments in his head. Even if it was probably years ago. I had a sense it was years ago.

"You're so warm" Jisung mumbled against my neck. I chuckled.



"I could fall asleep like this" He lifted his head and looked at me. "But I'd crush you" He rolled off me to lay beside me. It was pretty squashed since it was a single bed.

I rolled on my side to look at him. He did the same. "We should go to sleep" I told him. He seemed to agree and smiled. "Okay"

"If you need me, just wake me up okay?"


As expected, around one am or so Jisung started moving around a lot more than usual. At first I thought he was trying to get comfortable but the more he moved the more I recognised his breathing starting to go uneven.

I opened my eyes slowly coming to my senses around me before turning over and seeing Jisung in a sweat with his eyes tightly shut and shaking his head. His forehead was glazed with sweat and his hands were shaking.

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