A Small Bit Better🍁

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The second movie we watched ended and with a yawn both Jisung and I got up.

"I'm hungry" I mumbled a little. Jisung hummed "Same, want pizza?" He asked and I nodded instantly.

Jisung gave me a thumbs up and went to order. I checked my phone and saw Felix had messaged me.

I know you left a note
But like... Its been four hours
Tf r u?

He sent that only around ten minutes ago. How had it been four hours? I text back.

I'm at a friend's house

Is it ur someone~~


Have funnn
But not too much fun

I'll have as much fun as I want


While ur at it
Why not try have fun with Hyunjin
I'm not home 🙂

SHUT UP!!!!!!

"And ordered! Who ya texting?" Jisung plopped down beside me. I didn't even realise I sat down again.

I turn off my phone. "My roomma-" I paused. Right, he knew who that was. He smile faltered a little. "What was he saying?"

"Not much just wondering where I was"

"He always seems to want to know that" He sounded annoyed by this. It was quiet odd seeing Jisung's eyebrows furrow together in a state of annoyence and not to mention how his eyes slightly darkened.

If that's how you'd explain his eyes looking annoyed for a description.

"Well he likes to make sure I'm ok-"

"God he really has some issues doesn't he?" Jisung sounded really annoyed now. "It can't be all a coincidence that anytime your with me he's asking 'where are you it's been this long' like god get a fucking life-"

"Jisung" I lowered my tone a bit. Jisung collected himself. "Sorry" He mumbled. "I'm just annoyed at him"

"Still doesn't mean I need to hear you bitch about my friend" I shrugged. Jisung nodded understanding "Right... Yeah sorry that was stupid... Um you can leave if you want to... I'm sorry if I annoyed-"

"Bold of you to assume I'm leaving without my pizza" I turn to him. He sees my playful grin and relaxed. "So your only here for the pizza now wow okay I see where you're real prioritises are" he pretended to be sad.

I decided to tease him because that's always fun and I had an urge to be closer to him so yeah in the words in Selena Gomez: The heart wants what it wants.

I bring my hand to hold just the end of his chin and slowly bring his head to face mine. He was startled so it was easier to do this.

"If anything I'm here for you" I said rather flirty which I was proud of myself for. Call it Cringy but I don't care because Jisung's face went a burning shade of red and it was well worth it.

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