65% Gay🍁

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Sometimes I wonder why time is a thing? It's early Sunday morning the day after the fiasco of a game night.

I had fallen asleep while Jisung and Felix talked so I had not much intell on how things went. It was only when I was making a coffee for myself at six am, two hours after contemplating getting up or not was when Felix stumbled into the kitchen looking like a corpse.

"Morning sunshine" I teased but he was not in the mood for that. "Coffee...please" Never in my life have I heard someone so desperate for caffeine so I gave him mine and made myself a new one.

Felix sighed from behind me as I tried to figure out what was keeping him up, because I definitely could see he didn't sleep. I mean I had an idea of what kept him awake.

"Well? What happened last night?" Felix gave me this look for a second before slumping down onto the table. As if his entire body went limp. "Jisung was really hurt" he sighed and started drawing circles on the wooden frame.

I sat down across from him, as per usual. "I mean you did assume his sexuality and made him very anxious-"

"He shouted at me" He mumbled. "I don't like when Jisung is angry... He's scarier than you honestly" That's scared me. Most people said I was terrifying when I was mad. I could hardly imagine Jisung angry.

"Why did he shout?" I asked. Felix looked as if he was reliving the entire moment in his head. "Genuinely I don't remember what he was shouting but I knew it was because of how anxious he got"

I saw Jisung starting to shake yesterday night. Was that the start of something bigger? What if I didn't step in?

"I told him I was sorry and that everything lately had been up in the air in my own head" He sat up straight and stared right at me. "He told me that he didn't want to talk to me for a while" that sent shivers down my spine.

Felix looked to the side. Nothing was there in particular to look at. "It's not like he hangs out with us anymore anyway"

Then I thought back to the day at the shop. Jisung had asked me to hang out with him on Saturday night... Which was the game night. He wanted to avoid... His friends?

"I'm sure he has his reasons-"

"What could that be? He gets a new job every two fucking seconds just to spend more time away from us" I stared at Felix a little startled. Jisung told me a whole different story.

Which was true? I had to take Jisung's word for it considering this was about him in the first place. "Enough about Jisung. Did your someone person text you?"

I clear my throat to reply. That someone was the person he just told me to stop talking about. I shake my head. "They just replied with a heart-" A lie.

Felix smiled weakly. "That's sweet, maybe you'll finally get a boyfriend" I looked at him. He looked back as if I was dumb. "Hyung, dont tell me you thought I didn't think that your someone was a guy"

"I didn't say if it was so no"

"The way you look when I mention them is endearing" He stood up to make another coffee. "Imma be living off caffeine today" He raised the mug a little.

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. Felix continued rambling.

"Also the thing that I said about Hyunjin" he turned around and I looked at him. "I took an am i gay quiz last night and well...i got like 65% gay so what does that mean?"

I genuinely loved the idea that Felix sat himself down and took a quiz to see if he was in fact gay - like he wanted it to say no or something.

I shake my head. "Maybe you're bi?" I suggest. Felix gives me a confused look. "Bi?" he repeated. "As in.. Liking boys and girls?" I nodded at this and Felix turned pale.

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